Judge Dismisses Trump’s Lawsuit Over 2016 Dossier

 February 1, 2024

A London courtroom was the recent stage for a legal battle involving former President Donald Trump and the shadowy dossier that linked him to Russia.

A judge in London has dismissed a lawsuit filed by former President Donald Trump against Orbis Business Intelligence, the firm behind the Steele dossier because the lawsuit was filed too late and lacked sufficient reasons to proceed to trial.

Christopher Steele, a former British spy, compiled the controversial dossier in 2016, which contained unverified allegations about Trump's connections to Russia. The document, funded by Democrats during the heat of the 2016 presidential race, quickly became a point of contention. Trump vehemently denied the accusations, labeling them as baseless and a product of political machinations.

Trump's legal action in London sought to hold Orbis Business Intelligence, Steele's firm, accountable for what he claimed was significant harm to his reputation. His lawsuit argued that publishing false information about him violated British data protection laws. However, Orbis countered by saying the dossier was never intended for public release, asserting its dissemination was beyond their control.

A dossier's shadow over a presidency

The judge, Karen Steyn, concluded that Trump's delay in bringing the lawsuit was unjustifiable, stating, "There are no compelling reasons to allow the claim to proceed to trial." This decision underscores the complexities surrounding the dossier's publication and its aftermath. Despite its explosive content, no concrete evidence has surfaced to corroborate the claims made within the document.

Following the dossier's release by BuzzFeed, which Orbis claimed happened without their consent, Trump and his allies denounced it as "fake news" and a "witch hunt." The absence of substantiating evidence for the dossier's claims did little to quell the controversy it sparked. Trump's campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, emphasized their commitment to contesting the dossier's allegations, underscoring the polarized responses it has elicited.

The lawsuit against Orbis was an attempt by Trump to seek redress for the "personal and reputational damage and distress" he suffered due to the dossier's publication. His legal team argued that the dossier's allegations were not only unfounded but egregiously so. Yet, the court's decision to dismiss the case reflects the legal and procedural hurdles in proving such claims.

Legal battles and public perceptions

Trump's campaign has been vocal about their dissatisfaction with the court's ruling. Steven Cheung criticized Christopher Steele and his firm for not attempting to justify or prove the dossier's claims, which they regard as defamatory. This legal defeat in London is unlikely to end Trump's efforts to challenge the narrative established by the Steele dossier.

As the dust settles on this legal skirmish, the broader implications for Trump's public image and political future remain uncertain. The dossier's legacy, marred by unverified claims and political intrigue, continues to influence discussions about Trump's ties to Russia. Despite the court's dismissal, the debate over the dossier's veracity and impact is far from over.


The dismissal of Trump's lawsuit against Orbis Business Intelligence marks yet another chapter in the saga of the Steele dossier. The case highlighted the enduring controversy surrounding the document and its allegations.

Procedural issues hindered Trump's legal challenge, but the broader battle over the dossier's implications for his reputation and political legacy continues.

The court's decision underscores the complexities of legal recourse in matters of political and reputational disputes, leaving the dossier's contentious claims as a lingering shadow over Trump's career.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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