Jill Biden Throws Hail Mary for Joe Before Debate

 June 28, 2024

Democrats were clearly worried heading into the debate, knowing that any slip by Biden could crush his hopes of being re-elected.

This led to an onslaught of Hail Marys being thrown by Democrats, including Jill Biden, again accusing Trump of becoming a dictator if he is elected to office.

Talking Points…
- Jill’s Hail Mary
- Jill helping Joe
- Analysis

Jill Throws a Hail Mary for Joe

Prior to the debate, Jill Biden headed to Virginia to try to drum up support for Joe Biden. Sadly, she had resorted to pushing a debunked narrative that Donald Trump would be a “dictator on day one and take away a lot of the freedoms that we already have..” That referred to Trump jokingly saying that he would be a dictator for his first day in office, referring to Executive Orders he would write to get his administration rolling.

Trying to get the crowd supportive of Biden for the debate, Jill proclaimed:

“You all know that there’s two visions for America, and you’ll see them tonight when you watch the debate. And you’ve already chosen your vision.

“You’ve chosen strong, steady leadership versus that other vision, which is chaos and corruption.”

Biden reportedly has a very busy schedule after the debate, going to several different cities over the weekend to campaign, but I am not sure Joe will be up for such a heavy schedule after that disastrous debate performance.

Jill Helping Joe

Those of you who watched the debate last night know how bad Biden looked. He regularly stared blankly at the camera with the eyes of an empty vessel. I don’t know who made the decision to show the split screen when Trump was talking, but it was a killer for Joe Biden.

As bad as the debate was, however, that was not the worst of it. The feed was cut not long after Trump’s final statement, so what most people did not see was that Joe Biden could not get off the stage by himself. This video, posted moments after the debate ended, shows Jill Biden coming on stage to help Joe get off the stage. Notice how lost he looks, as well as how gingerly he went down those steps…

Now, keep in mind, this is the man who challenged Trump to a round of golf as long as they both carried their own bags. Biden cannot walk down three steps by himself, so imagine how he would look if he were forced to carry his bags over 18 holes of golf!


If you watched the post-debate rally for Biden, it was surreal. Jill Biden sounded like she was talking about an 8-year-old student instead of the man with nuclear codes. She literally applauded Joe for answering all the questions, and the crowd went nuts. I could not help but laugh at their delusion.

Biden also said he could not wait until the fact-checkers did their thing. I hate to break it to Joe, but he told far more lies than Donald Trump did last night, and Trump was actually fact-checking Biden in real time. Biden’s constant “He’s lying” whine during the debate fell flat, as did his insults to Trump. The Kool-Aid drinkers will never change their minds, but I have a feeling that all those fence sitters who backed Biden after the conviction of Trump are now going to change their votes or sit out the election. Either way, last night was a disaster for Joe Biden and Democrats.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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