JD Vance Calls Out Dems for Gaslighting Americans

 September 2, 2024

I have long stated that Democrats talk out of both sides of their mouth in terms of creating outrage and racism in this country.

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) shed some light on this very subject over the weekend.

Talking Points…
- Democrat gaslighting
- Vance calls out the Democrat Party
- Analysis

Dems Have a Long History of Gaslighting the American People

By its very definition, gaslighting is manipulation, and that is what Democrats do best. Merriam-Website defines gaslighting as:

"Psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator."

Democrats and the media have used this technique to help Biden try to convince the American people that Biden is doing a great job. For instance, MSNBC's Chris Hayes once posted:

"Compared to four years ago when Trump was president, the country is safer, more prosperous, and more energy independent. There are more people working, making higher wages, and more people starting new businesses.

"These are just the facts."

These are the facts? Our country has been overrun with illegal immigrants, and we know there are terrorists and gang members who are now in this country as a direct result. Last week, there was a report of an apartment complex in Colorado that had been taken over by a violent Venezuelan gang that makes MS-13 look like choir boys. The Democrat governor of the state literally told people to disregard the reports because it was not happening. Our bank accounts are going backward, we are importing more energy and relying on foreign countries for oil, and inflation is outpacing wages… those are actually the facts.

Then there is the racial gaslighting that Democrats are very good at. They say they want everyone to get along, yet they portray conservatives as racists and label minority conservatives as race traitors and Uncle Tom's. They say they are glad Trump survived the assassination attempt while at the same time calling him a threat to Democracy and say he must be defeated by any means necessary. They say they are about happiness and joy, yet they sow hatred whenever they open their mouths.

Senator Vance Calls Out Dems

Vance was recently asked about the Democrat message after the DNC took place. He did not hold back on his criticism of the party. When he was specifically asked about this "joy" them that Democrats pushed, he responded:

"About this joy thing, dude, the thing I don't understand is they say they are joyful. Yet you actually watch their convention, it's actually pretty dark and ominous. Their entire pitch is not 'we're going to lower your gas prices, we're going to lower your food prices, we're going to bring back manufacturing jobs from China.' They can't say that because Kamala Harris hasn't done that.

"Their entire argument is that if you vote for Donald Trump and you want to change the direction of this country, you're a bad person. I think waging war on the citizens of your own country and saying they are bad people for their electoral choices, that's not joyful — that's very, very dark. And unfortunately, that's where the Democratic Party is going. So they can talk about joy all they want, but I think most Americans who watched that convention didn't see a whole lot of joy."


I have been writing about this exact narrative since I can remember with Democrats. When I first started covering politics, I noted how Democrats would be outraged over the words of a Republican that were deemed confrontational. Yet, the media never said a word about Democrats doing the same thing, such as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) encouraging violence against Trump officials.

Kamala Harris once told people to take it to the streets. I have lost count of how many times Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has encouraged violence through her words and has not once been called to account for it by the media. I have often stated that Democrats need hate and chaos to survive, and they do everything possible to ensure that continues in this country. But without racism, without hatred, without abortion, Democrats are powerless, and that is why they will continue to gaslight this country, hoping to see our streets on fire so they can remain in power.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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