Jamaal Bowman Should Be The Next Kicked Out of Congress: Report

 December 8, 2023

In a surprising turn of events, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) found himself under a cloud of controversy for an incident that has rocked the House of Representatives.

The House voted 214-191 to censure Bowman after security footage emerged that contradicted his claims of mistakenly pulling a fire alarm before a key vote.

Bowman, who has served as a representative since 2021, initially dismissed the incident as an honest error. His account, however, was sharply challenged by the security video evidence.

The video showed a different story, leading to a vote of censure against the representative. A censure, while largely symbolic, is considered a serious congressional reprimand.

This is not the first time a Democrat has been censured this year. Bowman is the third member of his party to face such a measure in recent times.

A Troubling Pattern Emerges in the House

Earlier this year, the House voted to expel former Rep. George Santos. Despite Santos not being convicted or pleading guilty to any crime, he was removed on charges of suspected corruption.

The vote was a resounding 311-114, making Santos the sixth member in the history of the House to be expelled. The event raised eyebrows and questions about the standards being applied to House members.

Bowman's censure comes on the heels of Santos' expulsion, drawing parallels between the two incidents. While Santos was suspected of corruption, Bowman confessed to breaking the law, albeit under the guise of a mistake.

Is There A Double Standard in the House?

Some might argue that if Santos' suspected corruption was enough to warrant expulsion, then Bowman's actions, which involve a clear confession to breaking the law, should be viewed with equal severity.

These events have sparked a debate in the House of Representatives on the standards of conduct and the penalties for breaching them.

If Santos is considered the barometer for such actions, it could be argued that Bowman's actions merit similar consequences.

Reactions and Implications in the Political Sphere

This incident and the subsequent reactions it has elicited underline a broader concern about ethics in politics. The growing scrutiny of legislators' actions reflects an era where public accountability is increasingly demanded by the populace.

Moreover, the incident raises questions about the effectiveness of censure as a disciplinary measure. Is it sufficient to address misconduct, or does it merely serve as a slap on the wrist, especially when compared to more severe actions like expulsion?

It raises questions about whether Bowman should continue to serve in such a position of trust and responsibility.


  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) was censured by the House for pulling a fire alarm before a vote.
  • Bowman claimed it was an accident, but security footage contradicted his account.
  • The House voted 214-191 to censure Bowman for his actions.
  • Former Rep. George Santos was expelled from the House for suspected corruption.
  • If Santos' expulsion is a benchmark, some argue that Bowman's actions should warrant similar consequences.
  • The issue is not just about pulling a fire alarm but about honesty and integrity in the House.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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