Intelligence Reports Confirm Iran Hacked Trump Campaign

 August 20, 2024

Last week, Donald Trump announced that his campaign had been hacked, likely by Iranian operatives.

Our intelligence agencies have confirmed the hack this week, yet Dems continue to sit on their hands.

Talking Points…
- Trump campaign hacked
- Why are there no cries of election interference?
- Analysis

Trump Campaign Hacked

When the story initially broke, I was hoping that Trump would not jump to a conclusion to get a headline for his campaign. It turns out he was 100 percent right in everything that he stated. Our intelligence agencies have confirmed that Trump's campaign was hacked, and it was likely Iranian operatives responsible for the hacking. Officials from the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency confirmed this, stating:

"Iran seeks to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our democratic institutions.

"Protecting the integrity of our elections from foreign influence or interference is our priority. We will not tolerate foreign efforts to influence or interfere with our elections, including the targeting of American political campaigns."

Multiple outlets had reported that among the items stolen from the campaign was a 271-page dossier that Trump had worked up on Vance to vet him as the vice president. The Trump campaign responded to the hacking, stating:

"These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our Democratic process."

No Cries of Election Interference from the Left

During the 2016 election, all we heard from the left were cries of election interference by Democrats. Democrats had the American people convinced that Donald Trump was working with the Russians to win the election. Oddly enough, throughout that entire mess, I wrote often… always accused the other side of doing what you are doing to deflect away from your actions.

Two of the biggest pushers of this narrative at the time were Reps. Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff of California. For instance, when the Russians hacked Hillary's campaign emails, Swalwell stated:

"It's always smelled like collusion. It doesn't smell less like collusion. It smells more."

Rep. Adam Schiff added:

"It's that web of contacts which are so concerning in terms of collusion, conspiracy. That's what you would expect a conspiracy to look like.

"These recent allegations bring that right to the president's feet."

All these claims were investigated in the Mueller report, and no evidence of collusion was found. No charges were ever filed, nothing, yet Democrats still used this narrative to try to impeach Trump. Keep in mind that Schiff actually told the American people he had evidence of the collusion, but he was never able to produce it, even during the impeachment hearings.


Now we can fast-forward to the Trump hacking, and I want to float something out there. If you want to call it a conspiracy theory, be my guest. The Democrats have been obsessed with being friends with Iran since Barack Obama was in office, but Iran has always gotten the better of Democrats, using them like pawns. Yet, that same obsession has continued through the Biden administration.

So, the natural question here is, why are Democrats not crying about foreign election interference when Iran has been linked to the hacking? Let's also go back to the relationship that Biden's former climate czar, John Kerry, has with Iran, regularly undermining Trump, especially during the latter days of his presidency during the 2020 election cycle. Something does not smell right to me, and at the very least, I believe that Iran is going after Trump to ensure Dems stay in power. If Dems are involved, well, that remains to be seen, but it surely should be investigated with the ties the Dems have to this terrorist nation.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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