Hur Confesses That Biden Lied During Report

 March 14, 2024

The corridors of power are no strangers to scrutiny and controversy.

According to Western Journal, Special investigator Robert Hur confirmed that President Biden's statements were inconsistent with his report's findings, humorously acknowledging the discrepancy as a lie when pressed for a simpler interpretation.

Hur's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee has ignited discussions on fairness and impartiality within the Justice Department, juxtaposing his investigation into Joe Biden's handling of classified documents with the charges against Donald Trump.

Investigative Standards Under the Microscope

At the core of Hur's testimony was his investigation into how Joe Biden, after serving as vice president, managed classified documents. The highly anticipated inquiry sought to determine whether Biden mishandled sensitive information, a charge of significant consequence.

Hur emphasized a consistent approach when sharing his methodology. "No matter the role, no matter the administration, I have applied the same standards and the same impartiality," he stated, hoping to quell doubts about bias or differing treatment between high-profile cases.

Hur's findings revealed Biden had retained classified materials post-tenure. Yet, the decision not to prosecute was based on a predicted difficulty in proving willful retention. In his words, convincing a jury to convict a figure like Biden, considering his age and status, posed a formidable challenge. This nuanced legal perspective, however, did not deter pointed questioning from Congress.

A Clash of Perceptions in Congress

Representative Darrell Issa's exchange with Hur was particularly revealing. Issa's probing led Hur to clarify that his report did not fully vindicate Biden, a noteworthy admission underlining the investigation's complexity.

Representative Matt Gaetz focused on discrepancies, particularly Biden's denial of sharing classified information, an assertion Hur found contradictory to his findings. The dialogue underscored the intricate dance of legality and perception that defines such investigations.

It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.

The Debate Over Equality and Justice

The treatment of Biden's ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer, became another focal point. Gaetz criticized Hur for not charging Zwonitzer, who deleted audio recordings related to classified documents. This decision, Gaetz argued, epitomized a leniency towards Biden unseen in the investigation of Trump, suggesting a double standard. Hur's admission that Biden was dishonest about sharing classified information added another layer to the ongoing debate on accountability.

The testimony and its aftermath evoke serious questions about the consistency of legal standards applied to political figures. As Hur defended his decisions, citing a rigorous adherence to impartiality and justice, the responses from the House Judiciary Committee highlighted a deep divide in perceptions of fairness and equity in the justice system.


Robert Hur's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee has stirred significant debate over the Justice Department's handling of investigations into high-profile figures. Amid questions of double standards and the challenges of proving willful misconduct, the investigation into Joe Biden's handling of classified documents post-vice presidency remains contentious.

The nuances of legal judgment, the intricacies of evidence, and the specter of political bias have all come to the forefront, challenging the public and lawmakers alike to reckon with the complexities of justice and accountability in the political arena.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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