Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty on Opening Day of Trial

 September 6, 2024

Hunter Biden's attorneys made every legal move possible to get Hunter out of trouble for tax evasion, and they all failed.

After botching Hunter's initial plea deal, his attorneys appear to have convinced him to take a plea rather than go to trial just before jury selection started, stunning everyone in the courtroom.

Talking Points…
- Hunter Biden pleads out
- GOP cries vindication
- Analysis

Hunter Pleads Guilty on First Day of Trial

Hunter's jury selection was supposed to begin on September 5, but he stunned everyone when he entered the courtroom and changed his plea from "not guilty" to "guilty." Prosecuting attorney Leo Wise was just as stunned as everyone else, telling reporters, "This is the first we are hearing about this."

The deal is far from set, as this was Hunter putting an offer on the table in the hopes that something could be worked out without Hunter having to do any jail time, but I am not sure that is going to happen, and neither is legal expert Jonathan Turley, who stated:

"The Department of Justice later said that they still wanted to get a plea with Hunter, but they blamed the defense for its position. So there's a lack of intelligent design here.

"I mean, in some ways, you could say, well, this is just a game of chicken, but if it is, they lost. By pleading guilty on the eve of the trial, you don't have much to trade away."

GOP Cries Vindication After Biden Plea

That loud cheer you just heard was congressional Republicans shouting at the top of their lungs that they were right about Hunter Biden all along. All the whistleblowers who came forward doubted and challenged by Democrats have also been vindicated. To that point, House Ways & Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) stated:

"Hunter Biden's decision to plead guilty once again affirms the integrity of the IRS whistleblowers who recommended these exact charges over two years ago before being stonewalled by the Biden-Harris Justice Department. Had Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley not come forward, putting their reputations and careers at great risk in the process, Hunter Biden would have received a sweetheart plea deal for merely two misdemeanors.

"It remains to be seen whether President Biden will abuse the power of his office to ensure his son avoids the consequences of his felony tax crimes."

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), who has been at the core of this chase after Hunter, stated that Hunter had finally admitted the obvious, that he never paid taxes on money he made selling access to his father. Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX) added:

"We also can't let Hunter Biden's plea deal distract from the fact that he was the bag man in the Biden family's influence peddling scheme that saw them amass some $27 million by selling political access to 'the big guy,' Joe Biden.

"For more than a decade, Hunter and his associates enriched themselves at the expense of the American people. By all means, Hunter needs to be held to account, but this is by no means the end when it comes to equal justice under the law."


In my previous report, I spoke about domestic election interference that is blatantly ignored in this country, and I think it is safe to say we can add the Hunter Biden saga to that list. The IRS and the DOJ had ample evidence to prosecute Biden for tax evasion, but the agencies did not, and there is only one conclusion that can be given as to why this took place: He is Joe Biden's son.

Our government likes to brag about how it takes down the worst offenders, and I think we can all agree that more than a million in tax avoidance is a pretty big dog. Yet Hunter was permitted to skate, more than likely because his father was running for office. This is yet another form of domestic election interference, and I have not even started to touch on the threat from our media and social media companies.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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