House Oversight Committee Probes Governor Tim Walz’s Alleged Links to China

 October 3, 2024

A startling investigation unfolds as a prominent U.S. governor faces scrutiny over potential foreign connections.

According to, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has alleged Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has a "longstanding connection" to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The committee's claim is based on whistleblower disclosures regarding a Microsoft Teams group chat among Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employees discussing Walz's links to China.

This development comes in the wake of Walz's recent admission that he "misspoke" about visiting Hong Kong during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, a claim that was debunked by unearthed evidence.

Committee Cites Whistleblower Information

The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has made public statements regarding their findings. According to the committee's online statement:

According to recently received whistleblower disclosures, we've learned of a non-classified, Microsoft Teams group chat among DHS employees and additional intelligence reports that contain information regarding a longstanding connection between the CCP and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

This revelation has prompted the committee to delve deeper into the matter, especially considering their ongoing investigation into the CCP's efforts to influence subnational government leaders, including state governors.

Subpoena Issued for DHS Documents

Chairman Rep. James Comer has taken decisive action by issuing a subpoena to the Department of Homeland Security. The subpoena demands documents related to this investigation, which aims to uncover the extent of the CCP's influence on U.S. government leaders.

Comer emphasized the importance of this investigation in a letter, stating:

If a state governor and major political party's nominee for Vice President of the United States has been a witting or unwitting participant in the CCP's efforts to weaken our nation, this would strongly suggest that there are alarming weaknesses in the federal government's effort to defend the United States from the CCP's political warfare that must be urgently addressed.

Biden-Harris Administration Under Fire

The committee has expressed frustration with the Biden-Harris administration's lack of cooperation in providing requested information on Walz's interactions with the CCP. The Comer highlighted this issue, noting that the FBI had failed to respond to the committee's request for documents and information by the specified deadline.

This lack of cooperation has added another layer of complexity to the investigation, raising questions about transparency and the potential implications of the alleged connections between Governor Walz and the CCP.

Governor Walz's Recent Admission

The investigation gains additional context in light of Governor Walz's recent admission that he "misspoke" about his presence in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square protests in the spring of 1989. Evidence emerged disproving not only his claim of being in Hong Kong but also his assertions about preparing for a teaching position there during that time.

This admission has raised concerns about the governor's credibility and has fueled the committee's determination to uncover the full extent of his alleged connections to CCP entities and officials.


The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has launched an investigation into Minnesota Governor Tim Walz's alleged connections to the Chinese Communist Party. The probe is based on whistleblower disclosures and aims to uncover the extent of CCP influence on U.S. government leaders. The committee has issued a subpoena to the Department of Homeland Security for relevant documents, criticizing the Biden-Harris administration for lack of cooperation in the investigation.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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