House Delays MTG’s Impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas

 November 14, 2023

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is quickly getting a reputation as someone who is either clueless about congressional processes or does not care.

Once again, a measure she has put on the floor has failed. This time, it is the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas.

Talking Points…

  • MTG's impeachment papers
  • Congress and the White House respond
  • Analysis

MTF Resolution to Impeach Secretary Mayorkas

On November 9, 2023, Rep. Greene introduced her resolution to impeach Mayorkas.

The entire GOP caucus has targeted Mayorkas almost since day one due to his extreme and rogue border policies, so it was not a surprise to see someone push for impeachment.

In part, her resolution states:

"Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, in his inability to enforce the law, has engaged in a pattern of conduct that is incompatible with his duties as a civil officer of the United States."

Congress and the White House Respond

Congress did not respond the way that Greene had hoped, voting 209-201 to defer the impeachment articles.

In all, eight Republicans crossed the aisle to vote with Democrats, showing yet another failure of House leadership in the Republican Party by failing to observe the very first role of being a House Speaker, Whip, and Majority leader… you do not put legislation on the floor unless you are certain it will pass.

The eight Republicans who blocked the measure were:

Reps. John Duarte (R-CA), Cliff Bentz (R-OR), Ken Buck (R-CO), Darrell Issa (R-CA), Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), Tom McClintock (R-CA), Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) and Mike Turner (R-OH).

The most significant pushback against the resolution was that Greene had once again circumvented the usual process, which she was accused of doing when she tried to have Rep. Tlaib (D-MI) expelled.

Rep. Duarte stated that she "hasn't gone through regular order" and "we don't have time to waste."

The failed vote gave the Democrats and White House more ammunition to use in a counter-attack against House Republicans.

A DHS spokesperson stated:

"Every day, the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security work tirelessly to keep America safe.

"They need Congress to stop wasting time and do its job by funding the government, reforming our broken immigration system, reauthorizing vital tools for DHS, and passing the Administration's supplemental request to properly resource the Department's critical work to stop fentanyl and further secure our borders."

The statement continued, gushing over the performance of Secretary Mayorkas:

"Secretary Mayorkas continues to be laser-focused on the safety and security of our nation. This baseless attack is completely without merit and a harmful distraction from our critical national security priorities."


Ever since the GOP has taken control of the House, for use of a better description, it has been an utter clown show.

The removal of Rep. McCarthy (R-CA) was a black eye that I don't know if Republicans will be able to erase before the next election.

The fact Speaker Johnson (R-LA) is putting these measures on the floor and they are failing is inexcusable. There is also blame for House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), whose sole purpose in life right now is to whip up support and ensure that any measure put on the floor by a Republican passes.

For the GOP, this is a complete and utter embarrassment, especially when you consider how vocal the entire caucus has been about impeaching Mayorkas.

For MTG, it is crippling, and you know she is not going to take this lying down, which is only going to cause more division among Republicans in the House.

So, once again, Republicans are their own worst enemy, giving voters every reason possible to turn the majority back over to Democrats as they continue to prove they are incapable of governing like adults.

If the GOP wins the White House but loses the House, remember these moments because they will be directly to blame for a lame-duck presidency.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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