Hillary Clinton Under Fire As Claims That Her Class Is A ‘Giant Scam’

 December 11, 2023

At Columbia University, a course led by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently became the center of controversy and student dissatisfaction.

Due to an exceptionally high enrollment of over 1,200 students, the course struggled to maintain an intimate educational environment and instead became a large-scale event with limited personal interaction.

Titled "Inside the Situation Room," the course was intended to provide an in-depth exploration of international affairs, but many students felt let down by the experience. The course kicked off in September 2023 amidst great excitement.

The lecture hall was packed with students, journalists, and Secret Service agents each week, creating a bustling atmosphere. Students often lined up for hours in hopes of getting a front-row seat and the possibility of engaging directly with Clinton, but these opportunities were scarce.

High Expectations Met with Disappointment

Contrary to expectations of an intimate and interactive learning experience, the class routinely ended 30 minutes early, denying many students the chance to ask their prepared questions. Throughout the semester, only a select few managed to engage in direct dialogue with the former presidential nominee.

Adding to the frustration, Clinton was notably absent from the class on two occasions, without explaining. This lack of communication further fueled the disappointment among students who had enrolled with high expectations.

Cate Twining-Ward, a student in the class, expressed her disillusionment in an article published in December 2023. She recounted the chaotic and unsatisfying nature of the class, highlighting the gap between her expectations and the reality of the course.

Protests and Walkouts Reflect Student Unrest

As the semester progressed, the classroom atmosphere grew increasingly tense. Students organized walkouts and protests over the course's shortcomings and in response to broader university issues. These actions underscored the growing dissatisfaction and unrest among the student body.

Twining-Ward detailed these events, noting that the protests were not only directed at Clinton but also reflected broader frustrations with the university's handling of various campus issues.

"From my aisle seat, I was well-positioned to access the lecture microphone. Just beyond it stood Hillary Clinton. It’s too bad I was only able to ask her one question the entire semester I spent in her course."

Such instances of student activism during the class sessions starkly contrasted with the initial excitement and anticipation surrounding Clinton's appointment as a lecturer.

A Class Reduced to a Resume Builder

Many students felt that the true value of the class lay not in the learning experience but in the prestige of having a course taught by Hillary Clinton on their resumes. This sentiment was echoed by a student who remarked on its value as a resume addition rather than an educational opportunity when asked about recommending the class.

This perception further diminished the academic integrity of the course, reducing it to a mere spectacle rather than a serious academic endeavor.

Twining-Ward's account, shared through various media outlets, paints a picture of a course that was more of a media event than an educational experience. Her disappointment reflects a broader sentiment among students who had hoped for more substantive engagement with Clinton and the course material.

Course Shortcomings Ignite Campus Debate

The controversy surrounding Clinton's class has ignited debate on campus about the role of high-profile individuals in academia. Questions are being raised about the balance between celebrity status and educational value in university courses. Moreover, the situation at Columbia highlights the challenges universities face when managing courses with celebrity instructors, especially in maintaining academic rigor and ensuring meaningful student participation.

  • Hillary Clinton's class at Columbia University faced criticism for being more spectacle than substance.
  • Over 1,200 students enrolled, but few had the opportunity for meaningful engagement.
  • Students expressed frustration over the class's structure and Clinton's occasional absences.
  • Protests and walkouts occurred during class sessions, reflecting wider campus issues.
  • Twining-Ward's article detailed the disappointing experience of the class.
  • Some saw the course's value as more about resume building than learning.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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