Harris' Minnesota Lead Shrinks After Walz VP Pick

 September 2, 2024

Recent polling data suggests that Vice President Kamala Harris' decision to select Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate may be backfiring in his home state.

According to a new survey of 635 likely voters conducted by Minnesota's KSTP, Harris' lead over former President Donald Trump has significantly diminished since announcing Walz as her vice-presidential candidate last month.

The poll, reported by The New York Post, shows that Harris now leads Trump by just 5 percentage points (48% to 43%) in Minnesota. This marks a substantial decline from the previous survey, which had Harris ahead by 10 points (50% to 40%). The unexpected downturn comes in the wake of the Democratic National Convention, a time when candidates typically experience a boost in polling numbers.

Walz's Controversial Impact On The Ticket

The survey results indicate that Governor Walz may be the primary factor contributing to Harris' declining support in Minnesota. Only 52% of voters in the state view Walz as an excellent or good choice for vice president, while a significant 34% consider him a poor selection. This lukewarm reception to Walz's candidacy appears to be dragging down the Democratic ticket's overall appeal.

Particularly concerning for the Harris campaign is Walz's performance among key demographic groups. The governor is underwater with male voters, with 50% disapproving of his selection compared to 49% who approve. Even more striking is the fact that 40% of male respondents labeled Walz a "poor choice" for the vice-presidential slot.

Young voters, a crucial constituency for Democrats, also seem unimpressed by Walz. Among voters under 35, who make up 25% of the anticipated November electorate, 51% view him unfavorably. This lack of enthusiasm from younger voters could pose a significant challenge for the Harris-Walz ticket in the upcoming election.

Geographic And Demographic Divides

The poll reveals stark divisions in Walz's support across different regions of Minnesota. While 59% of Twin Cities residents rate his selection as excellent or good, the numbers drop dramatically in other parts of the state. Only 48% of those in northeast Minnesota, 46% in western Minnesota, and a mere 35% in southwestern Minnesota share this positive view.

This geographic split is further emphasized by the urban-rural divide in Walz's approval ratings. A mere 38% of rural residents approve of his selection, compared to 59% in the suburbs and 61% in urban areas. These numbers highlight the challenges the Democratic ticket may face in appealing to voters outside of major metropolitan centers.

Additionally, Walz seems to be struggling with parents, a demographic often crucial in swing states. The poll shows him slightly underwater with this group, with 48% viewing him favorably and 49% disapproving. Perhaps most concerning is that 35% of parents consider Walz a poor choice for the vice-presidential nomination.

Implications For The 2024 Race

The unexpected decline in Harris' polling numbers in Minnesota raises questions about the wisdom of selecting Walz as her running mate. Traditionally, vice-presidential candidates are chosen in part to help secure their home states, but this poll suggests Walz may be having the opposite effect.

It's worth noting that the survey included a slightly higher proportion of Democratic respondents (40%) compared to Republicans (35%), with the remainder being independents. This composition makes the results even more surprising, as one might expect it to favor the Democratic ticket.

The gender gap that has been observed in other polls for Harris appears to extend to Walz as well. While 57% of women support his selection, only 49% of men feel the same way. This disparity could present challenges for the campaign in its efforts to appeal to male voters.


The recent KSTP poll suggests that Kamala Harris' decision to choose Tim Walz as her running mate may be hurting her chances in Minnesota, a state traditionally considered a Democratic stronghold. The survey reveals significant weaknesses in Walz's appeal across various demographic groups, including young voters, rural residents, and parents. With Harris' lead over Trump in the state shrinking from 10 points to just 5, the Democratic campaign may need to reassess its strategy in Minnesota and other battleground states as the 2024 presidential race heats up.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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