Harris Gets No Post-Debate Bump, First Interview Negative Feedback

 September 16, 2024

Just about everyone, including this writer, thought that the debate would give Harris a notable bump, but we were all wrong.

After she finally sat down and did an interview with the media, matters were only made worse for Harris, as the reviews were less than favorable.

Talking Points…
- No noticeable bump after the debate
- Interview backfires on Harris
- Analysis

Harris Never Got Major Bump from Debate

When Harris was first gifted the Democrat nomination, she was spotted about three points in early polling, as much as four, but that lead has not really budged. There are a few polls where Harris and Trump are tied, which has kept her national average down under three, but overall, there has been little movement in polling on a national scale. Anything you see reported otherwise is a single poll result, which does not give a true picture of how the polls are going.

As we all know, this election will be decided by the battleground states, and on that front, it is actually Trump making a move. Harris' lead in Arizona is now gone, with Trump taking a 0.7% lead in average polling and holding steady with a one or two-point lead in the most recent polls. Georgia is still up for grabs, but Trump has the lead in most recent polls, albeit only by a point or two. Nevada is much the same, with Harris holding a slight national average lead and a one-point advantage in most recent polls.

The Blue Wall states have seen the most change. Harris has gone from a rather significant lead down to only 1.5% on the national average in Michigan, with everything trending in Trump's favor, including the last poll that showed Trump taking the lead. In Pennsylvania, Harris has a 0.6% lead in the national average, but both of these candidates have had leads in recent polls; this state remains a coin flip. In Wisconsin, Harris once had a four-point lead, but that is now down to 2.6% on the national average, with the most recent polling showing Trump now only down about two points.

Interview Backfires on Harris

Last week, Harris did her first real interview since the nomination with a local ABC affiliate in Philadelphia. Philadelphia ABC6 anchor Brian Taff gave her a softball interview, but she still managed to tank it by simply not having any real answers for any of the policy questions. For instance, Taff asked her what her plan was to reduce prices. Harris responded:

"I grew up a middle-class kid... I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. Ya know?"

That continued with her rambling on, never actually giving an answer as to her plan to reduce prices. It was nothing more than a two-minute word salad that never addressed the high core prices that continue to crush us all at stores. Ryan Saavedra of the Daily Wire summed it up about as good as anyone, stating:

"This interview that Kamala Harris gave is truly staggering. Never have seen a politician this nervous, this unprepared for the office they are running for, and this clueless headed into an election.

"Kind of scary to be honest."


Harris has been avoiding the media, and now we know why. She is starting to see the same thing happen to her that happened during the 2020 cycle… The more people got to know her, the more they realized she was not ready for this stage, and she is proving that again. This weeding-out process generally happens during a primary race, where Harris was the first one out in 2020, but since the party gifted her the nomination this time around, it is taking it a bit longer for the American people to realize how much of a fraud and how unprepared for this office Harris really is.

If she does get elected, she will just be another puppet of the Democrat elite. Of that, I have no doubt. The fact she cannot even memorize her own policy positions is proof of that. She is trying to win this election on being "relatable" to the average person, but she did not grow up middle-class, as she claims, and she has been in the circle of elites from the very first day she entered the political arena. Simply put, we cannot let her win in November.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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