Harris Criticized for Handling Migration Issues by Former Border Control Union Chief

 July 26, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris's approach to managing migration and border security is under scrutiny.

Fox News reported that Brandon Judd, former leader of the Border Patrol Union, claims that despite her proactive initiatives, Harris has not succeeded in tackling the foundational causes of illegal immigration.

President Joe Biden appointed Harris in March 2021 to address the complex issue of illegal migration, focusing on the Northern Triangle countries—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Her role included strengthening diplomatic relations and improving border security measures within these nations.

An Imperfect Strategy in Address

Harris's efforts led to signing of a memorandum of understanding with Mexico in June 2021, funneling $4 billion for direct assistance and $5.2 billion in public-private investments to mitigate migration by developing local economies. However, significant advancements have stalled since her last visit to the border and the involved countries in January 2022, and her strategic commitments have largely stalled.

Though there has been a reduction in migrants from the Northern Triangle apprehended at the U.S. border—from 41% in 2021 to 22% in 2023—the overall illegal crossings have surged to unprecedented levels, indicating a possible inefficacy in current policies.

Brandon Judd expressed significant disappointment in Vice President Harris's efforts, stating:

It's very disappointing. We gave her the policies that she needed to implement. She refused to implement those. She has not addressed any of the root causes, and she refuses to recognize what the actual root causes are. If she would have dealt with what she identified, we would have less illegal immigration, but she didn't even deal with those causes that she identified.

Administration's Response and Public Opinion

Throughout her tenure, Vice President Harris has consistently voiced support for a humane approach to migration, emphasizing due process and the rights of asylum seekers. "I will release children from cages. I will get rid of the private detention centers," she once declared, reflecting her stance against stringent immigration policies perceived as unfair or exclusionary.

This sentiment contrasts with the strategies of previous administrations, as noted by Judd, who points out that more vigorous enforcement under former President Trump led to noticeably fewer illegal migrations despite similar conditions in migrant countries of origin.

The President reaffirmed his support for Harris's role in 2023, highlighting ongoing diplomatic efforts: "The vice president has agreed – among the multiple other things that I have her leading, and I appreciate it – agreed to lead our diplomatic effort to work with those nations to accept returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders," Joe Biden stated.

Yet, opinions within the government and the public remain divided. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized Harris's approach, defending asylum as a legal right and pointing out the disparateness of the policy application. In contrast, Fox News Digital praised the investments in the Northern Triangle as beneficial for economic development and technological access.

In her defense, Vice President Harris reiterated the long-term nature of her mission: "Needless to say, the work will not be desired but it is important work. I frankly believe that it is contrary to everything that we have symbolically and said we stand for. And so, I would not enforce a law that would reject people and turn them away without giving them a fair and due process to determine if we should give them asylum and refuge."

The Vice President has also been stern about lawful crossings: "Do not come. Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border."

As migration continues to challenge the United States, the effectiveness of Vice President Kamala Harris's strategies remains a topic of intense debate. The divergence in views highlights the complexity of migration issues and the varied expectations placed on political leaders dealing with such a sensitive and vital area of public policy.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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