Hanson Resident Faces Fines for Political Projection

 October 14, 2024

A Massachusetts town's water tower becomes an unexpected canvas for political expression, sparking local controversy.

Fox News reported that officials in Hanson, Massachusetts, are taking action against a resident who has been projecting political signs onto the town's municipal water tower. The situation has escalated to the point where the town is preparing to issue a cease and desist order to halt the activity.

The incident came to light on Friday, October 11, when town officials became aware of the projections. The images, which displayed a "Trump 2024" campaign logo, were being projected from a resident's property onto the water tower located at 228 High Street.

Town Officials Respond to Unauthorized Projections

Hanson Town Administrator Lisa Green issued a statement addressing the situation. She emphasized that the projections could mislead the public into believing that the town endorsed or condoned the political message.

Green clarified the town's stance, stating that Hanson does not endorse candidates from any political party. The statement underscored the importance of maintaining political neutrality in municipal spaces.

In response to the projections, the town has taken immediate action. Highway Department employees have positioned a spotlight on the water tower in an attempt to dim the unauthorized projection.

Legal and Financial Implications of Projections

The town is preparing to issue a cease and desist order to the resident responsible for the projections. This order will come with significant consequences for non-compliance.

If the resident continues the projections after receiving the order, they will face a fine of $100 per day. The town administration warns that these fines may not cover the full extent of the costs incurred due to this incident.

Green outlined potential expenses, including attorney fees, overtime pay for Highway Department workers to manage the spotlight, and the possible need to rent or purchase stronger lighting equipment to counteract the projections.

Balancing Free Speech and Municipal Neutrality

The incident has raised questions about the balance between individual free speech rights and the town's responsibility to maintain political neutrality on public property.

In her statement, Green addressed this balance, saying that while the town respects the free speech rights of all residents, including their right to express political views, such expressions cannot be made on town property or in a manner that suggests town endorsement.

The town's response aims to prevent any perception that Hanson is endorsing a particular political candidate or party. This stance is crucial for maintaining public trust and ensuring fair representation for all residents.


The Hanson water tower projection incident underscores the delicate balance between individual expression and community standards. It demonstrates the challenges local officials face in maintaining political neutrality while respecting free speech. The town's response, including the impending cease and desist order and potential fines, reflects the seriousness with which officials are treating the unauthorized use of public property for political messaging.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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