Hamas Command Tunnel Right Under UN Headquarters

 February 11, 2024

A labyrinth of tunnels beneath Gaza City, directly under the United Nations headquarters, has recently been uncovered by the Israeli military.

This discovery raises serious concerns about the involvement of Hamas in compromising the U.N.'s mission in the region.

The Israeli military showcased this network to foreign journalists, revealing the tunnel's entrance next to a school. An Israeli officer, while guiding the reporters, highlighted the tunnel's significance for Hamas' intelligence and combat operations, hinting at the depth of the militant group's infiltration.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has vehemently denied any knowledge of the tunnel network, asserting their evacuation of the headquarters on October 12. Despite their claim of ignorance and lack of military expertise to conduct inspections, this revelation has led to a suspension of funding from several Western nations. These developments fuel the debate over UNRWA's role and effectiveness in Gaza amidst accusations of employees' complicity in Hamas-led activities.

Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior Hamas official, refuted the allegations connecting UNRWA to the tunnels, labeling them as baseless. However, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant provided a starkly different perspective, accusing UNRWA of aiding terrorism with international funds. This controversy has sparked a wider discussion on the necessity of restructuring humanitarian aid mechanisms in Gaza to ensure they do not inadvertently support militant activities.

Uncovering the Truth Below the Surface

In his statement, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant criticized UNRWA vehemently, equating the agency to a facade for terrorist activities.

UNRWA is a group of terrorists who receive salaries from many countries – these countries gave money to people who raped, murdered, and took people into captivity. I think the world needs to wake up and address this issue in a different way, while also addressing Gaza's needs.

The narrative around UNRWA's alleged complicity in terrorism, funded by international contributions, has led to a cessation of financial support from several Western nations. This development follows accusations against hundreds of UNRWA employees for supporting or actively participating in a Hamas-led massacre in Israel on October 7. As the international community grapples with these revelations, there are growing calls for the dissolution of UNRWA, urging the establishment of a new framework that provides aid without enabling militant groups.

UNRWA's defense stresses their incapacity for military undertakings or inspections, citing a history of protests against similar discoveries in the past. Their official statement underscores the predicament of humanitarian organizations operating in conflict zones, particularly when militant groups exploit these entities for strategic advantages.

A Call for Change in Humanitarian Aid

The Israeli military's disclosure not only threatens the credibility and existence of UNRWA but also prompts a significant reassessment of how humanitarian aid is administered in conflict regions. With UNRWA's stated mission of supporting Palestinian refugees now under intense scrutiny, the international community faces the challenging task of ensuring aid reaches those in need without compromising global security or inadvertently supporting militant operations.

This incident sharply illustrates the complex relationship between humanitarian aid, governance, and militant activities within conflict zones. The unearthing of the Hamas command tunnels beneath the U.N. headquarters in Gaza City has triggered a critical evaluation of UNRWA's operations and its future in the region.

As debates over the necessity of restructured humanitarian mechanisms in Gaza continue, the primary goal remains clear: providing support to those in need while preventing the misuse of aid by militant groups. This balance is essential for the stabilization and peace in regions affected by conflict, where the line between humanitarian aid and support for militancy can sometimes blur.


The Israeli military's revelation of the tunnel network beneath Gaza City has ignited a firestorm of controversy and criticism surrounding UNRWA, leading to a suspension of funding and calls for the agency's dissolution. With allegations of complicity in Hamas' activities, the future of UNRWA and the framework for delivering aid in Gaza hangs in the balance, alongside the ever-present challenge of ensuring the safety and well-being of Palestinian refugees in the region.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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