FPC Triumphs Over Biden Administration In Pistol Brace Litigation

 June 15, 2024

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has emerged victorious in a pivotal legal battle, signaling a major defeat for the Biden Administration's firearms policy.

According to the Firearms Policy Coalition, on June 13, 2024, the United States District Court deemed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) rule banning "pistol braces" as invalid.

This decision came as a result of the lawsuit filed by FPC in Fort Worth, TX. The case, known as Mock v. Garland, challenged the ATF's restrictions which were seen as unfairly targeting lawful gun owners.

The Court's Decision Vacates Controversial ATF Rule

Judge Reed O’Connor's ruling in favor of the FPC and other co-plaintiffs has halted the enforcement of the ATF's pistol brace regulation. This outcome is hailed as an affirmation of Second Amendment rights by its supporters.

Representatives from the FPC argue that the vacated rule had unjustly aimed to turn millions of legal firearm owners into potential felons. Such broad regulations were perceived as an overreach of governmental power.

Brandon Combs, president of the FPC, remarked that this lawful victory was a testament to the coalition's resilience against unfair government actions. Here’s what he had to say:

The community's courage and resolve have once again proven effective against daunting odds. This victory is a beacon of hope for many who cherish their constitutional rights.

Strong Defense Prepares for Appeal

The Department of Justice, representing the Biden administration, is anticipated to challenge the District Court’s ruling. The FPC, fortified by recent legal successes, is preparing to defend its position in the upcoming appeals, potentially escalating the matter to the Supreme Court.

Lawyers Cody Wisniewski from the FPC Action Foundation, along with teams from Benbrook Law Group and Cooper & Scully, provided the legal expertise necessary to secure this win. Their efforts underscore the complexities of firearm law and the importance of skilled legal defense.

Community Support and Future Legal Battles

This judicial victory is part of a broader campaign by the FPC against similar governmental regulations that they believe infringe on individual liberties. The support from FPC members and the broader gun owner community plays a critical role in these efforts.

To build on this momentum, the FPC encourages supporters to join the grassroots movement or contribute to their fundraising efforts. This collective action is pivotal as the organization gears up for more legal challenges ahead.

In the context of ongoing debates over gun control and rights, the FPC's victories provide a strong counter-narrative to the government’s attempt to enforce stricter gun regulations. As the landscape of firearm legislation continues to evolve, the FPC remains at the forefront of defending constitutional freedoms.


With the Supreme Court set to hear another of the FPC's cases, the legal struggles surrounding firearms regulation are expected to gain even greater national attention. These cases not only decide specific legal questions but also shape the broader interpretation of the Second Amendment.

The recent ruling by the United States District Court, which nullified the ATF's ban on pistol braces, highlights the ongoing tension between regulatory efforts and constitutional rights. The FPC, buoyed by this victory, continues to advocate vigorously for the rights of gun owners, engaging in legal battles wherever necessary to protect and preserve individual liberties.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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