Former Senator Tom Harkin Calls for New Democratic Candidate After Biden's Debate Mishap

 July 2, 2024

The fallout from the recent presidential debate has pushed former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin to urge a reconsideration of President Joe Biden's candidacy for the 2024 elections.

According to Fox News,  Tom Harkin, a long-serving senate colleague of Joe Biden, has advocated for the Democratic Party to nominate a fresh candidate for the upcoming presidential election.

This development comes after President Biden participated in a CNN-hosted presidential debate in Atlanta on June 27. It was widely critiqued for its lack of vigor and precision, raising concerns over its capability to govern effectively.

Concern Amongst Democratic Allies

Tom Harkin, who has had a long and respected political career, expressed genuine apprehension about Biden's present condition compared to his poise earlier in the year during the State of the Union address.

"Look how he walked and handled himself on the House floor even after the speech, and watch how he walks and uses his arms now. Startling!" he remarked.

In contrast, former President Donald Trump's performance, though criticized by Harkin as "meandering, gobbledygook, and full of lies," was delivered with a decisive assertiveness that seemed to resonate more effectively with the audience.

Tom Harkin also suggested a practical step for moving forward: "I also think all incumbent Democratic Senators should write to Biden asking him to release his delegates and step aside so the convention can choose a new candidate." This unprecedented call seeks a pivotal shift in the party's approach as the elections near.

Support for Biden Amidst Criticism

Despite the criticism from Harkin, some of Biden's most steadfast Democratic allies have come to his defense. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Whip James Clyburn attributed Biden's underwhelming debate showing to excessive preparatory work, which they believe may have overburdened him.

Tom Harkin further underscored the urgency of the situation with stark rhetoric, stating unequivocally that the debate was "a disaster from which Biden cannot recover."

Meanwhile, President Biden's campaign responded to the debate's fallout with a newly aired advertisement where Biden addressed concerns about his age and physical capability directly to voters:

Folks, I know I’m not a young man. But I know how to do this job. I know right from wrong. I know how to tell the truth. And I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down, you get back up.

The Democratic Party at a Crossroads

The call for Biden to step aside and allow for new leadership is not only about the debate. Still, it signals deeper concerns within certain factions of the Democratic Party about the strategic direction and prospects in the 2024 presidential race.

Biden's age and the public perceptions of his competence have been ongoing themes in the political discourse surrounding his presidency, often overshadowing policy discussions. This makes the upcoming convention, as proposed by Harkin, potentially transformational for the Democratic Party.

In summary, the debate's aftermath has drawn a deeply divided response within the Democratic ranks: some rally to Biden's defense, attributing his faltering to momentary over-preparation, while others, led by Harkin, call for dramatic measures. This divergence captures the inherent tensions within a party at a pivotal juncture in its campaign strategy, reflecting broader anxieties about leadership and electoral viability in the face of an assertive challenge by former President Trump.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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