Former NY Governor Aide Arrested On Federal Charges

 September 4, 2024

A former aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul has been arrested on federal charges, including violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Linda Sun, 40, and her husband, Chris Hu, 41, were taken into custody on Tuesday following an FBI raid on their Long Island home in late July. According to Fox News, Sun is accused of acting on behalf of the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party.

The charges against Sun are extensive, including conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling, and money laundering conspiracy. Her husband, Hu, also faces charges of money laundering conspiracy. The arrests come after Sun was fired from her position in Governor Hochul's office in March 2023, following the discovery of evidence of misconduct.

Governor's Office Distances Itself From Former Aide

In response to the arrests, Governor Hochul's office released a statement distancing itself from Sun:

This individual was hired by the Executive Chamber more than a decade ago. We terminated her employment in March 2023 after discovering evidence of misconduct, immediately reported her actions to law enforcement, and have assisted law enforcement throughout this process.

The statement emphasizes that Sun's employment was terminated as soon as misconduct was discovered and that the governor's office has been cooperating with law enforcement in the investigation.

Sun's role in the governor's office included focus areas such as business development, Asian American affairs, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Her LinkedIn profile shows that she left her executive chamber role after 15 months and subsequently took a position with the New York State Department of Labor in 2022.

Details Of The Federal Investigation Emerge

The federal investigation into Sun and her husband appears to have been ongoing for some time. The FBI raid on their $3.5 million home in late July was a significant development, although no arrests were made at that time. The charges now brought against the couple suggest that investigators have gathered substantial evidence of alleged illegal activities.

Sun's alleged actions on behalf of the Chinese government and Communist Party are particularly concerning, given her former position of influence in the New York state government. The Foreign Agents Registration Act is designed to ensure transparency when individuals are working to advance the interests of foreign governments within the United States.

Implications For New York State Politics

The arrest of a former aide to Governor Hochul raises questions about vetting processes for government employees and the potential for foreign influence in state politics. While the governor's office has emphasized that Sun was hired over a decade ago and was promptly fired when misconduct was discovered, the incident may still have political repercussions.

The case also highlights the ongoing concerns about Chinese influence operations in the United States. Federal law enforcement agencies have been increasingly focused on countering such efforts, particularly in sensitive areas such as government and technology sectors.

As the legal process unfolds, more details about Sun's alleged activities and their potential impact on New York state government operations may come to light. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance in safeguarding against foreign interference in domestic politics.


The arrest of Linda Sun, a former aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, on federal charges including violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, has sent shockwaves through New York's political landscape. Sun and her husband are accused of acting on behalf of the Chinese government and engaging in various illegal activities.

Governor Hochul's office has distanced itself from Sun, stating that she was fired in March 2023 after evidence of misconduct was discovered. The case underscores the ongoing challenges of preventing foreign influence in domestic politics and the importance of thorough vetting processes for government employees.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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