Former House Speaker And Spouse Face Charges For Fund Misuse

 April 17, 2024

Former Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield and his wife Stephanie face serious allegations of misusing political funds for personal gain.

AP News reported that the Attorney General of Michigan, Dana Nessel, outlined the charges against the Chatfields in stark terms, marking a significant escalation in a case that has captivated the state's political landscape.

According to Nessel, the misuse involved various political accounts under Chatfield's control, allegedly used to fund personal expenses such as travel and housing. This includes the so-called Peninsula Fund, described as an "unregulated slush fund," which did not require disclosure of donors and was organized as a tax-exempt social welfare organization.

Over 14 months, a staggering $132,000 was siphoned from the Peninsula Fund to cover Lee Chatfield's personal credit card bills, an action indicative of the broader misuse of funds meant for political purposes. This pattern of financial misconduct was further evidenced when Chatfield's brother reportedly cashed a $5,000 check from another political fund, returning $3,500 to the former speaker right before a family vacation.

Financial Misconduct Amid Calls for Reform

The allegations extend beyond simple misuse, with Chatfield facing 13 charges, including running a criminal enterprise and embezzlement, each carrying severe penalties. The charges have cast a shadow over Chatfield's legacy and spotlighted the potential weaknesses in Michigan’s campaign finance laws.

In a statement that underscores the gravity of the situation, Nessel criticized the existing legislative framework as "effectively toothless," incapable of deterring the kind of abuses alleged in this case. This sentiment is echoed by calls from other Michigan officials, including Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who advocate for a robust overhaul of financial disclosure laws to prevent such abuses in the future.

The defense, however, remains adamant in its rebuttal of the charges. Lee Chatfield's attorney, Mary Chartier, challenges the strength of the prosecution's case, pointing to the lengthy investigation period as indicative of its shaky foundations.

"It took almost 2 1/2 years for the AG’s office to generate charges. It’s going to be pretty flimsy if it took that long," Chartier stated, setting the stage for a contentious legal battle.

A Deeper Look into Political Funding

The case also throws a spotlight on the murky world of political funding, where large sums can circulate with minimal oversight. Chatfield’s political funds garnered over $5 million over six years, with a significant spike in 2020, his last year as speaker, when more than $2 million was raised.

The misuse of social welfare funds is not a new practice in Lansing. And while Lee Chatfield may have exploited the system slightly more than others, no one political party alone has perverted or abused it,” said Attorney General Nessel.

The investigation was partly spurred by allegations from Chatfield’s sister-in-law, accusing him of sexual assault, claims he denied while acknowledging a consensual affair. These charges led to a broader investigation that eventually highlighted the financial misdeeds, suggesting a systemic issue within Michigan's political funding operations.


The charges against former Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield and his wife, Stephanie, encapsulate a broader issue of trust and integrity in political finance. Accusations of using political funds for personal luxuries, coupled with efforts to obscure the origin of these funds, paint a grim picture of political accountability.

This case not only challenges Lee Chatfield’s personal legacy but also prompts a reevaluation of regulatory frameworks governing political finance in Michigan. As the legal proceedings unfold, the implications for Michigan’s political landscape remain profound, underscoring the urgent need for robust reforms to restore public confidence in political funding mechanisms.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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