Former Clinton Aide Issues Dire Warning to Biden Campaign

 July 19, 2024

Everyone can see it but Joe and Jill Biden.

Yet another entrenched Democrat is throwing up the red flag for Biden, warning his campaign that the “walls are closing in.”

Talking Points…
- Biden polling numbers
- Walls closing in on Biden
- Analysis

Biden Taking Major Hits in Polling

With every passing day, Donald Trump has increased his lead against Joe Biden. Nationally, Trump picked up a few more points over the last 24 hours, now leading Joe Biden by 3.3% on average. In the latest YouGov poll, Trump was ahead of Biden by five points and Kamala Harris by three points. SoCal Research has Trump ahead of Biden by six points and Harris by eight points.

Biden is now getting buried in battleground states, trailing Trump by 5.5 points in Arizona, 5.9 points in Georgia, 2.0 points in Michigan, 5.7 points in Nevada, 9.3 points in Ohio, 4.3 points in Pennsylvania, and 2.5 points in Wisconsin.

The Democrat plan to replace Biden seems to be to put Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket, but in all but two of those states, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, Trump’s lead against Harris is bigger than his lead against Biden. And in most of those states, Trump’s lead is now well outside the margin of error.

Walls Closing In

Biden is now facing significant pressure to get out of the race because of his polling numbers, but they sold this candidate to the American people, and Biden was chosen as the nominee by the voters. This bait and switch by Democrats will not sit well with voters who are now having the choice removed from their hands. For a party that regularly preaches about the sanctity of the democrat process, removing voters from the process is about the most anti-democratic thing you can do.

Even so, the pressure continues to be applied, and now CNN political commentator and former Bill Clinton strategist Paul Begala is jumping on that bandwagon. Begala stated:

"I've been talking to a lot of people, a lot of members in the Senate and House, major donors, activists, party chairs and I got to tell you, I think I‘ve come across one who is still ridin’ for Biden.

"So the walls are closing in."

In recent days, it was reported that Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and even Barack Obama have told Biden that he needs to drop out of the race. Keep in mind, if Biden were winning polls, they would all be more than happy to let Biden stay in office even with his fried brain. As Begala stated, this is all about the money train drying up. He explained:

"It's like that Carrie Underwood song, ‘Jesus, take the wheel,’ I’ve been saying, ‘Nancy, take the wheel.’ It comes down to money, maps and polls. The money has dried up.

"I can tell you that I raised money for a lot of super PACs. It has dried up. Donors are on strike, to the tune of, somebody reported, $90 million? It's more like $300 million that people are sitting on saying they're not going to give."

Begala concluded:

"The maps are deteriorating so fast that the lieutenant governor of New York says it's now a swing-state. People talk about losing New Jersey. Minnesota and the polling is terrible, especially in the swing states. So you can‘t fight money maps and polls in this business.”


This is not the way the system works. Dems are setting a very bad precedent here by forcing Biden out while still allowing him to be president. If the man cannot run a campaign, he should resign from office and allow Harris to run as an incumbent. This scenario is about as bad as it gets for Democrats, who are clearly trying to pull a bait-and-switch on the American voter. The GOP should be immediately attacking this angle to get voters outraged over this stunt so, at the very least, they sit out this election. This could be huge for the GOP, who I now believe can take total control of the government.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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