Former CIA Agent Believes Intel Agencies Present ‘Significant Problem’ for Upcoming Election

 January 2, 2024

Since 2016, our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies have been integral to elections.

A former CIA analyst believes that these agencies under Joe Biden will be very active in the 2024 election, creating a "significant problem.'

Talking Points

  • 2016 election
  • 2020 election
  • Looking forward to the 2024 election
  • Analysis

The 2016 Election and the FBI

The most prominent agency that was involved in the 2016 election with Trump and Hillary Clinton was the FBI. The agency held the key to prosecuting Hillary over the email server scandal as well as the Russian collusion narrative that was being pitched against Trump.

Trump did win the election, but the agency also let Hillary off the hook. However, Hillary, even today, believes that James Comer's last-minute announcement regarding the re-opening of the investigation into Hillary dramatically impacted her negatively and was a key reason she lost to Trump.

The 2020 Election and the CIA

The big news of the 2020 election regarding intelligence agencies was the letter signed by more than 50 former intelligence agencies, many of them from the CIA, to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop.

The letter claimed that the laptop had all the signs of Russian disinformation and made this claim without a single person who signed the letter having seen or inspected the information on the computer. We later learned this was done specifically to give Joe Biden a talking point to refute any claims made by Donald Trump about the laptop during an upcoming debate.

After the fact, polling was done, and it revealed that the majority of voters would have reconsidered their votes for Biden had they known the complete and accurate story of the information on the laptop. It was also revealed that the FBI had the laptop in its possession but refused to authenticate the information or give agents access to it before the election.

The 2024 Election

Dr. John Gentry, a current Georgetown University professor and former CIA intelligence analyst, is now ringing the bell about possible involvement by our intelligence agencies in the 2024 election. He stated:

"My guess is that the proverbial deep state within the intelligence community will reemerge because presumably a Republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies that many intelligence people like."

He later added:

"I long have thought we are likely to again see former intelligence officers be politically active against Trump or whomever the Republican presidential candidate is next year, and I expect leaking to resume. The activities of 'formers' have resumed already, a bit before I expected."


If recent Inspector General reports of the respective agencies told us anything it was that there are clearly leadership problems within these agencies that are impacting our elections.

The FBI investigation into Trump, particularly the issuing of FISA warrants, was completely botched. The letter from the CIA agents never should have been approved by the agency. This was happening because of political bias, at least in my opinion, of leadership in these agencies.

The American people are already wary of trusting the election outcome, and this is not just because of the statements made by Trump after the 2020 election. It has more to do with the fact that we have far too many people acting as though we have zero problems with our election system.

I have held firm that while I do not believe there is enough corruption to impact a presidential general election, local elections are a different story, where we often see less than a hundred voters who decide the winner. We have even seen that in congressional seats, such as Rep. Boebert (R-CO) winning her last election by less than 600 votes. So, the last thing we need is interference by intelligence agencies that have an impact on the outcome, which is what many believe happened in both 2016 and 2020.

We have to remove rogue elements and activism from these agencies as well as election officials, or the bottom line is that the American people will never trust our election system as a whole.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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