FBI Launches Manhunt For Iranian Agent Accused Of Attempting To Assassinate Mike Pompeo

 March 4, 2024

In a dramatic turn of events that reads like a subplot from a geopolitical thriller, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has launched an intensive search.

The FBI looks for Majid Dastjani Farahani, an Iranian intelligence official involved in plotting assassination attempts against Trump-era officials, seeking revenge for the killing of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.

The storyline unfolds with Farahani, an Iranian secret intelligence officer, standing accused of attempting to recruit individuals for a deadly cause. These individuals were tasked to target current and former US government officials in what appears to be a chilling act of retaliation.

The cause of this vendetta dates back to the US drone strike that claimed the life of General Soleimani in January 2020.

The Elusive Farahani

Farahani is no ordinary fugitive. Fluent in Spanish and frequently traveling between Iran and Venezuela, his language proficiency and international mobility make him a particularly elusive quarry for the FBI.

His ability to liaise across continents hints at a deeper, more sophisticated network of operations. The FBI's urgent call for information underscores the severity and immediate nature of the threat posed by Farahani's alleged activities.

In December, the Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Farahani, accusing him of working for Iran to suppress opponents and dissenters vigorously. According to the Treasury Department:

The regime's efforts to silence its opponents extend far beyond its borders, where Iran has carried out acts of transnational repression, including rendition and lethal plotting against activists, journalists, and foreign government officials.

Plotting Beyond Borders

Farahani is believed to be orchestrating operations that span across the United States, encompassing surveillance and potential assassinations. His scope of interest isn't limited to governmental figures; religious sites, businesses, and various other facilities are also under his gaze. This broad spectrum of targets indicates a strategy to intimidate and possibly destabilize.

Working under the aegis of Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security, Farahani's efforts are reportedly directed at high-profile individuals.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Brian Hook, the former envoy to Tehran, find themselves amidst a group of potential targets. Both officials are now under continuous security protection, highlighting the real and present danger posed by these threats.

An Escalating Tension

Iran's promise of revenge in the aftermath of Soleimani's assassination has been a looming specter of geopolitical unrest. The sanctioning of Farahani by the Treasury Department in December showcases the international community's recognition and condemnation of his purported activities.

Yet, beyond the official sanctions and indictments, the deepening ties between Iran and Venezuela serve as a strategic backdrop to this unfolding narrative, facilitating a Western hemisphere base for Iranian operations.

In 2022, the Department of Justice indicted members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard for plotting to assassinate John Bolton, Trump's former national security adviser. This act, coupled with the attempted abduction of Iranian dissident Masih Alinejad in New York City, illustrates a pattern of aggressive posturing and action.

The suspects intended to transport Alinejad to Venezuela, further implicating the South American country in Iran's web of global machinations.

The FBI is urging anyone with relevant information to get in touch with their nearest FBI office or the closest American Embassy or consulate. This call for assistance from the public underscores the seriousness of the matter and the FBI's dedication to addressing this threat.


The FBI's search for Majid Dastjani Farahani transcends a simple quest for justice; it's a pivotal aspect of the wider effort to protect freedoms and lives from international conflict and retaliation. Farahani's conduct, along with the overarching tactics of Iranian intelligence, poses a significant threat to worldwide peace and diplomatic relations.

The attempted assassinations, surveillance of religious locations, and security for notable individuals all highlight a situation rife with strain, immediacy, and the relentless progression of counterespionage activities aimed at neutralizing Iran's hostile intentions.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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