Election Bias Alleged: Google Accused of Favoring Biden in Search Results

 June 28, 2024

Google is scrutinized for possibly influencing the 2024 presidential election through its search engine rankings.

The Media Research Center (MRC) alleges that Google's search results disproportionately favor Joe Biden over Donald Trump, Breitbart News reported.

According to the MRC, there is a conspicuous difference in the visibility of presidential campaign websites when users search for information about the 2024 election. Specifically, they claim that Joe Biden's campaign site consistently appears as the top result when including any candidate’s name in searches about the presidential race. In contrast, Donald Trump's site fails to appear on the first page.

Impact of Search Rankings on Public Perception

SEO expert Brian Dean notes the significant influence of Google search rankings. "The top result in Google searches receives a staggering 27.6 percent of all clicks," Brian Dean explained, emphasizing the decline in visibility for results that appear even slightly lower on the page.

This positioning can be critical, as Google controls nearly 92 percent of the search engine market share, granting it enormous potential to sway public opinion. This power shapes the information millions receive during crucial voting periods.

The Influence of Technology on Elections

The MRC's claims raise concerns about the broader role of technology giants in political processes. With the presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Upcoming, the timing of these allegations highlights the acute impact that search engine bias could have on voter perceptions and decision-making.

The MRC documented multiple instances where such disparities in search results potentially affected public knowledge. They also noted that websites advocating pro-life stances received deficient visibility in search results during this election cycle.

Google has always asserted that its search algorithms are designed to deliver users the most relevant and useful information free from political bias.

Nonetheless, the lack of transparency in these algorithms and their considerable influence on information distribution continue to provoke discussions about the accountability and influence of tech companies in democratic settings.

Broadening the Investigation

Further scrutiny shows that when party-specific queries are entered into Google, Trump’s campaign website appears alarmingly low in the search results—ranked 39th out of 40. This has added fuel to ongoing debates over whether tech companies hold too much influence over political information.

Brent Bozell, President of MRC, expressed his concerns starkly. He stated that Google is blatantly interfering in the 2024 election, suggesting a deliberate manipulation of search algorithms to favor certain political agendas..

The MRC, drawn from over a decade of observations, warns that Google’s practices might constitute a behavior pattern affecting electoral integrity. They hope that spotlighting these issues will prompt a more thorough investigation into how search engines could be impacting democracy.


The MRC's findings raise serious concerns about the role of technology giants in political processes and the lack of transparency in their algorithms. While Google has always maintained that its search algorithms are designed to deliver the most relevant and useful information without political bias, the significant differences in the visibility of presidential campaign websites when users search for information about the 2024 election cannot be ignored. As the investigation broadens, it is crucial that we scrutinize the practices of search engines and their potential impact on electoral integrity and democracy.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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