Doubts Surface About President Biden’s Cognitive Strengths From Close Circles

 July 6, 2024

A report from New York Magazine discloses that several of Biden's close allies and Democratic insiders are questioning whether he should run for re-election.

According to Breitbart News, longtime friends of President Joe Biden expressed shock and disturbance over his apparent cognitive decline since 2023, noting he often failed to remember their names.

This growing skepticism is marked by a series of perceived missteps and lapses, highlighting concerns about his ability to fulfill the demands of the presidency.

Insiders Whisper Concerns About Biden's Capabilities

Conversations among Biden's longtime friends and Democratic officials have taken a silent, concerned tone since early 2023. These discussions indicate a deep-seated worry about the president's fitness for another term in office.

"When they discussed what they knew, what they had seen, what they had heard, they whispered," reveals the report, suggesting a cautious approach to a sensitive subject.

Signs of Biden's alleged decline became evident during public and private appearances. At one event at the White House, the president did not remain for a post-event reception, a departure from tradition that raised eyebrows about his capacity to engage in extended social interactions.

Event Absence and Communication Breakdowns Stir Doubts

A guest at the mentioned event expressed significant doubt about Biden's role, musing about the authenticity of his office presence. This sentiment reflects a broader unsettling feeling among attendees and spectators alike, complicating the president's public and political perception.

"They were scared and horrified. But they were also burdened," observers of Biden's condition shared. This dual sense of alarm and obligation has permeated his circle, hinting that his public appearances are becoming less frequent and increasingly managed. Reports suggest that reaching President Biden, even for routine governmental matters, has become an increasingly bureaucratic process.

Jarring Debate Performance and Oversight in Communication

President Biden's performance in a critical June debate particularly highlighted these concerns. His struggle to articulate clear thoughts during the debate intensified talks about his capability to continue leading effectively.

Nuzzi wrote: "Others told me the president was becoming increasingly hard to get ahold of, even as it related to official government business, the type of things any U.S. president would communicate about regularly with high-level officials across the world."

One angle that compounds the issue is Biden's unawareness of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s surgery during a period of escalating tensions in the Middle East. This lack of awareness was acknowledged by the White House, adding another layer of concern regarding the president's grasp of critical information and events.

Anxiety within Biden's circle is evident as insiders navigate the complexities of supporting a leader whose public image they fear may be deteriorating. As described, "Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine." This captures the tightrope many feel they are walking.


President Joe Biden's cognitive abilities have recently come under scrutiny, with allies and Democratic insiders questioning his fitness for re-election. Concerns have grown due to perceived missteps and lapses during public and private appearances, including missing a post-event reception at the White House. His performance in a critical June debate further highlighted doubts about his ability to lead effectively. Reports also indicate increased difficulty in reaching him for routine governmental matters.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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