Doubts Over ‘Leading’ Police Group's Endorsement Of Harris Linked To Dem Operatives

 September 27, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris recently touted an endorsement from a purportedly prominent law enforcement group.

The Daily Caller reported that critics have questioned the legitimacy of the endorsement due to the endorsing organization’s political ties and recent establishment, The Daily Caller reported.

On September 23, Police Leaders for Community Safety publicly supported Harris, generating considerable attention. The group, however, formed only a few months prior on June 11, prompting established law enforcement communities to scrutinize its sudden emergence and high-profile political activity.

Background and Leadership of the Endorsing Group

Gail Hoffman, a seasoned Democratic staffer with no prior experience in law enforcement roles, heads the organization. This leadership choice has fueled criticisms that the group prioritizes political motivations over genuine law enforcement advocacy.

Although it declares itself nonpartisan, the National Advisory Board of Police Leaders for Community Safety predominantly consists of retired law enforcement officers who demonstrate Democratic leanings or express progressive views on social media.

Reactions from Established Law Enforcement Groups

The largest law enforcement body in the United States, the Fraternal Order of Police, admitted that they do not recognize the newly founded group. Although they started their active involvement in Washington D.C.'s law enforcement scene, they had never encountered Police Leaders for Community Safety until the endorsement announcement.

Members of the newly endorsed group include individuals like David Mahoney and Susan Riseling, who often align their public remarks with left-leaning ideologies. Rick Myers, vice chair of the organization, has also voiced his opinions on issues like gun control, which typically oppose Republican perspectives.

The Fraternal Order of Police issued a detailed reaction to the emergence of Police Leaders for Community Safety. They emphasized their comprehensive participation in law enforcement dialogues and expressed surprise at never having crossed paths with the group.

Prior to Police Leaders for Community Safety announcing their endorsement earlier this week, we were totally unfamiliar with the group. We are very active, and aggressive in fact, in our interactions here in Washington [D.C.] and we’re present at basically every law enforcement-oriented meeting that happens here and we have never crossed paths with this organization nor are we familiar with its goals and objectives.

Political Endorsements and Law Enforcement

The spokesperson for the Harris campaign noted that their language mirrored the one Fox News used when describing the Police Leaders for Community Safety. They have refrained from further comments following Fox News Digital's revision of the original endorsement announcement.

Cynthia Herriott, a board member of Police Leaders for Community Safety, articulated the organization's unique position in endorsing political candidates, highlighting that this was the group's initial foray into such endorsements.

As questions persist about the influence and intention behind Police Leaders for Community Safety, the dialogue around the legitimacy of Harris's endorsement continues within law enforcement and political circles alike. Reflecting on the leadership and activities of Police Leaders for Community Safety reveals extensive political connections and societal viewpoints that correspond with Democratic policies, further challenging the group's nonpartisan claim. Despite these controversies, the endorsement's impact on political landscapes and law enforcement practices remains to be seen.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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