Donald Trump Jr. Obliterates Reporter During RNC Interview

 July 16, 2024

The media in this country continues to be a complete and utter disgrace.

MSNBC's Jacob Soboroff is the latest to prove that point, but Donald Trump Jr. put him right in his place on live TV.

Talking Points…
- MSNBC disgraceful questions hammered by Donald Trump Jr.
- More misinformation by the media
- Analysis

MSNBC Disgraceful Questions on RNC Floor

Soboroff stuck a microphone in Trump Jr.'s face to ask about migrant family separation. Soboroff started his question by pointing to Trump as a "divisive figure," you could see Trump Jr.'s blood boiling when the question was asked. Trump Jr. flipped the narrative onto the media, stating:

"They lied about Russia, Russia collusion, they said he was a traitor, they went after him in every which way possible.

"If the media actually starts being an honest broker, talking about the things that he did, the prosperity he brought, the peace deals that he signed around the world rather than the disaster that we're living right now, I think you'd do everyone in the country a big favor."

Soboroff, who wrote the book "Separated: Inside an American Tragedy," then addressed the child separation issue, but when Trump Jr. pointed to the fact this also happened under Obama, Soboroff appeared to dismiss that idea, to which Trump Jr. fired back:

"It's MSDNC, so I expect nothing less from you clowns, even today.

"Even 48 hours later [after the assassination attempt], you couldn't wait, you couldn't wait with your lies and with your nonsense, so just get out of here."

More Misinformation from the Media

The fact of the matter is that the policy in question was actually put in place by the Bush administration and ended under the Trump administration after the Democrats whipped up public outrage over the policy.

Soboroff rejected the idea, telling Trump Jr., "You know they didn't do that, sir," but he is wrong. Trump's administration followed the letter of the law, while other administrations selectively enforced it. Both AP and CNN fact-checked the claims before, noting how separations happened under the Obama and Bush administrations, only less than they occurred under the Trump administration.

However, both outlets also noted that the now-infamous cages that were built to house the children had been erected during the Obama administration. Court records have also proven that Soboroff's claim is wrong, with records dating back to 2001 under the Bush administration, where parents and children had been split up when entering the country illegally. There is actually an opinion from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in 2016 that cited these records, stating:

"Families who were detained had to be housed separately, splitting up parents and children."


You would think the media would stop going on the attack for a day or two after an assassination attempt, but they are already working to put another bullseye on Trump's head. The fact that we cannot rely on the mainstream media to present the truth, and actually deny it, is a real problem.

The media has improved after the Biden press conference disaster, but I guess that resistance will be short-lived now that the coup against Biden appears to be over. So, it seems that we are back to state-run media again, where the media tells an invented truth to help Democrats remain in power.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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