Dems Fly in Zelensky to Battleground State to Attack Trump and Vance

 September 24, 2024

Democrats are now blatantly using foreign powers to influence this election.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, after heavily criticizing Donald Trump and JD Vance, was brought to a battleground state on the taxpayer’s dime.

Talking Points…
- Zelensky rips Trump and Vance
- Dems take Zelensky to battleground state
- Analysis

Zelensky Rips Trump and Vance

Zelensky has clearly gone to the dark side, now criticizing Trump and Vance. Considering that we have an election coming up, there is no other way to see this other than the foreign influence that the Democrats are welcoming. Zelensky was recently interviewed in "The New Yorker,” where he really hit both Trump and Vance pretty hard.  On Trump, Zelensky stated:

“Trump makes political statements in his election campaign. He says he wants the war to stop. Well, we do, too…. My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how.

“With this war, oftentimes, the deeper you look at it the less you understand. I’ve seen many leaders who were convinced they knew how to end it tomorrow, and as they waded deeper into it, they realized it’s not that simple.”

This guy was a comedian before being elected to office, but now he is trying to come off as the all-knowing genius. The United States and NATO countries have poured trillions into this war, and it is still not over, so I would say Zelensky is not all that aware of how to end it, either. He also attacked Vance, calling him “too radical.” It did not stop there, as he continued:

“His message seems to be that Ukraine must make a sacrifice. This brings us back to the question of the cost and who shoulders it. The idea that the world should end this war at Ukraine’s expense is unacceptable.

“But I do not consider this concept of his a plan, in any formal sense. This would be an awful idea, if a person were actually going to carry it out, to make Ukraine shoulder the costs of stopping the war by giving up its territories. But there’s certainly no way this could ever happen.”

On Vance directly, Zelensky stated:

“I don’t take Vance’s words seriously, because, if this were a plan, then America is headed for global conflict. It will involve Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Taiwan, China, as well as many African countries.”

That statement is rather amusing when you consider the Biden administration has this country on the brink of war on multiple fronts. It seems quite clear that Zelensky is now doing Democrats' bidding for them.

Dems Fly Zelensky to PA on Taxpayer Dime

After trashing Trump and Vance, Zelensky was sent to PA in an Air Force C-17A, which is paid for by the American taxpayer. He was there to tour a local munitions factory that has been producing armaments for Ukraine during this war. He met with all the local-ranking Democrats, including Governor Shapiro and Senator Bob Casey (D-PA).

Zelensky’s trip and what was essentially campaigning were not missed by Republicans. For instance, Dan Caldwell posted:

“Worth noting that Zelenskyy was flown to Pennsylvania on a U.S. Air Force C-17.

“The Biden-Harris admin is using military assets to fly a foreign leader into a battleground state in order to undermine their political opponents.”

Donald Trump Jr. also chimed in, posting:

“So a foreign leader who has received billions of dollars in funding from American taxpayers, comes to our country and has the nerve to attack the GOP ticket for President?

“And he does this right after a pro-Ukraine zealot tried to assassinate my father? Disgraceful!”


If this is not foreign election interference, I don’t know what is, not to mention that it is illegal for a foreign leader to campaign like this on American soil. Zelensky has been hustling this country for money and supplies since the outset of this war, and the GOP has made it clear that aid will now be contingent on accountability if it is in charge. Apparently, that accountability makes Zelensky so nervous, as some of his staffers have already admitted to massive fraud.

Do I want Ukraine to fall into Russian hands? Absolutely not. But this rabbit hole has to be sealed, and we need accountability for where our money is being sent, something our government never seems to be too worried about. That will change, and Zelensky knows it, which is why he is worried about Trump and Vance. And if Trump does figure out how to end this war, the money train stops, and I think that is what really terrifies Zelensky.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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