Democrats Push For Eric Adams To Resign, Andrew Cuomo Front-Runner

 December 10, 2023

In a surprising twist in New York City's political landscape, a new poll indicates former Governor Andrew Cuomo as the leading candidate for the city's mayoralty.

Andrew Cuomo, the former Governor of New York, has emerged as a potential frontrunner in a hypothetical special election for New York City Mayor, overshadowing current Mayor Eric Adams amidst his declining approval ratings and ongoing investigations. They are calling for him to resign and have already seemed to lock in on his replacement. The Biden administration, while the relationship has soured, has been close to Adams, devastating their relationship if a replacement is chosen.

The recent poll conducted by Slingshot Strategies presents a significant shift in voter sentiment. It highlights the political challenges facing Mayor Adams, who, just a year into his term, is grappling with controversy and scrutiny.

Cuomo Gains Momentum in Hypothetical Mayoral Run

The Slingshot Strategies poll suggests a dramatic lead for Cuomo in a ranked-choice voting scenario. After 11 rounds, Cuomo leads over candidate Jumaane Williams with a 64% to 36% margin.

This potential political comeback for Cuomo, despite his past scandal and resignation, reflects a notable shift in public opinion. His lead in this poll underscores the complexities of New York City's political dynamics.

The poll, which surveyed 600 registered voters in New York City between December 1 and 4, reveals a city divided in its opinion about its leadership and future direction, Washington Examiner reported.

Adams' Approval Rating Hits a Low Amid Investigations

The same poll sheds light on Mayor Eric Adams' current standing. Only 37% of the constituents approve of his performance, a stark contrast to the 52% approval he enjoyed previously.

Amidst allegations and investigations, public trust in Adams appears to be waning. The poll indicates that 56% of New Yorkers disapprove of his performance, casting a shadow on his mayoral tenure.

Furthermore, 52% of respondents believe Adams should resign if indicted, while 38% support him remaining in office during the legal process.

Public Perception Split on Adams' Conduct

The poll also delves into public perceptions of Adams' conduct. A quarter of the respondents, 26%, believe Adams engaged in illegal activities leading to the campaign finance investigation.

In contrast, 34% view his actions as unethical but not illegal, suggesting a complex public opinion landscape regarding the Mayor's actions and ethics.

Fabien Levy, Deputy Mayor of NYC and a staunch supporter of Adams has criticized the poll as "wildly skewed" and a result of political opportunism.

Political Reactions and Commentary

Evan Roth Smith, a founding partner at Slingshot Strategies, commented on the political environment surrounding Cuomo's potential comeback.

"There are lots of Democratic voters, lots of elected officials who do not want to see a Cuomo comeback, and would go to great lengths and take great pains to prevent that from happening."

This statement reflects the division within the Democratic party and the broader electorate concerning Cuomo's political future.

On the other side, Deputy Mayor Fabien Levy has dismissed the poll's credibility, attributing it to political maneuvering by opponents.

"When political opportunists can’t win at the ballot box or in a court of law, they try to win in the court of public opinion by spreading lies."

Levy's sharp criticism of the poll indicates the tension within New York City's political circles and the contentious nature of the mayoral debate.

The Political Climate in NYC

The political landscape of New York City is in a state of flux. The poll's revelations come at a time when Mayor Adams faces multiple challenges, including budgetary constraints and federal investigations.

Evan Roth Smith of Slingshot Strategies encapsulates this sentiment in his assessment of Adams' dwindling support, attributing it to his handling of the city's finances and legal troubles.

These developments suggest a turbulent period ahead for New York City politics, with potential shifts in leadership and policy directions.

Conclusion: Uncertain Future for NYC's Leadership

In summary, the Slingshot Strategies poll paints a complex picture of New York City's political climate. It reveals significant challenges for Mayor Eric Adams and highlights Andrew Cuomo as a potential mayoral contender, despite his controversial past.

  • Cuomo leads in a hypothetical special election, beating Jumaane Williams 64% to 36%.
  • Mayor Adams' approval rating has significantly dropped to 37% amid ongoing investigations.
  • The public remains divided on Adams' conduct, with a significant portion believing he acted unethically or illegally.
  • Political reactions show a city divided, with strong opinions on both sides of the mayoral debate.

As New York City navigates these complex political waters, its future leadership remains uncertain.

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About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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