Daily Wire Sues Biden DOJ Over Concealing Records

 December 23, 2023

In a significant legal move, The Daily Wire has initiated a lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ). This action comes after the DOJ allegedly failed to respond to multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

The lawsuit centers around the DOJ's lack of response to inquiries about the Community Relations Service's (CRS) involvement in Virginia school board policy decisions.

The CRS, a federal agency within the DOJ, has been accused of exerting pressure on a Virginia school board. This pressure was reportedly applied to discourage the adoption of transgender student policies proposed by Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin, which align with the conservative views of the electorate that selected the school board.

Understanding the Community Relations Service's Role

While the CRS claims to provide unbiased mediation services, there have been allegations of its advocacy for left-wing causes. These claims have sparked controversy, particularly regarding the CRS's involvement in local policy decisions.

In response to the perceived interference, The Daily Wire filed FOIA requests in August and October. These requests sought access to emails and documents about the CRS's operations, but the CRS did not acknowledge them.

Amy Condra, a spokeswoman for the CRS, has stated, "CRS can be invited into a community by any of the stakeholders involved" and that the agency "can also initiate involvement in communities where we believe our services can be of assistance." This statement highlights the CRS's active role in community affairs.

Legal Perspectives and Challenges

The lawsuit, represented by America First Legal, was filed in a federal court in Washington, D.C. It demands that the DOJ disclose the requested records and compensate for attorneys' fees incurred during the process.

"It was eye-opening to see the Department of Justice try and interfere with a local Virginia school board’s decision-making on Governor Youngkin’s model policy..." said Ian Prior, a representative from America First Legal.

The situation escalated following an incident where a leftist activist was arrested while protesting Governor Youngkin's policy. The CRS cited "community tensions" as a reason for its involvement, which has been a point of contention.

The Broader Implications of the Lawsuit

The Daily Wire's actions go beyond this single lawsuit. They have also filed legal actions against the State Department for allegedly censoring conservative media and challenged the Biden administration's employer vaccine mandate. These cases demonstrate a broader effort to confront perceived governmental overreach.

An anonymous CRS staffer has defended their operations, stating:

"Because we work with communities of color, some people believe we’re instigating these issues. We’re not. We’re helping them resolve these conflicts."

Despite these assertions, the lawsuit raises questions about the impartiality of federal agencies in local policy-making and their influence on educational policies, particularly those that are politically sensitive.

Assessing the Impact on Local Governance

This legal battle underscores a growing concern about the influence of federal agencies on local education policies. The involvement of the CRS in this matter raises questions about the balance between federal oversight and local autonomy.

The Daily Wire's aggressive legal stance reflects a broader trend where media outlets increasingly use legal tools to challenge government actions and policies they perceive as overreaching or partisan.

The outcome of this lawsuit could have far-reaching implications for how federal agencies interact with local governments and the transparency required in such interactions.

Conclusion: A Call for Transparency and Accountability

The lawsuit by The Daily Wire against the DOJ represents a critical moment in the ongoing debate over federal involvement in local governance. It brings to the forefront issues of transparency, accountability, and the role of media in holding government entities accountable.

  • The Daily Wire sues the DOJ for not responding to FOIA requests regarding CRS's involvement in Virginia school board policy decisions.
  • Allegations suggest CRS pressured the school board against adopting Governor Youngkin's transgender student policies.
  • The lawsuit compels DOJ to disclose requested records and award attorneys' fees.
  • This legal action is part of The Daily Wire's broader efforts to challenge perceived governmental overreach.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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