Court Filing Challenges Biden Over Migrant Children In Outdoor Camps

 March 5, 2024

Amid ongoing debates and complex policies surrounding immigration, a pressing humanitarian issue unfolds.

Several human rights organizations are challenging the Biden administration's treatment of migrant children in federal custody, arguing it breaches a decades-old legal agreement.

Recent court actions by notable groups such as the National Center for Youth Law, Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law, and Children’s Rights underscore a grave concern.

These organizations allege that the current administration has failed to uphold the standards set by the 1993 Reno v. Flores Supreme Court case. This landmark decision established essential guidelines for the treatment and detention of unaccompanied migrant children.

At the heart of their argument, the groups point to outdoor detention sites in California where minors have been held in deplorable conditions that could have lasting psychological and physical impacts. Locations like Jacumba and San Ysidro have become symbols of this alarming situation, with reports of insufficient hygiene facilities, medical care, and food.

Unprecedented Challenges at the Border

The Biden administration has indeed faced an unprecedented number of migrants at the border, creating logistical nightmares and overwhelming existing facilities. Customs and Border Protection officials argue they've been left with no choice but to use open-air detention sites as a stopgap.

"This is the new norm under this administration. We were never funded or equipped to handle more than two million migrants crossing each year. When spikes occur, they are concentrated in just a few areas along the southern border. When you are out of buses or detention space, you’re done," said a source within Customs and Border Protection.

Despite these challenges, the core issue remains the welfare and safety of children in custody. Human rights groups argue that the government's failure to provide adequate care is not just a policy oversight but a moral and legal failing.

A Historical Perspective

The issue of migrant children in federal custody is not new. The case of El Salvadoran child Jenny Lissette Flores in 1985 led to the 1993 Supreme Court ruling that set current standards. Yet, the surge in unaccompanied migrant children encounters, nearly 400 percent from 2020 to 2021, has pushed the system to its limits.

Customs and Border Protection's policy requires that migrant children be separated from unrelated adults and transferred to Health and Human Services within 72 hours of arrest. Adhering to this policy has been increasingly tricky, with the recent facility and resource constraints brought on by the surge in migrant numbers.

From 2020's 30,557 unaccompanied children encounters to a nearly 400 percent increase in 2021 and a staggering total of 468,396 unaccompanied children apprehended between 2021 and January 2024, the scale of the challenge is clear. These figures demonstrate a marked increase in crossings and highlight the evolving nature of migration patterns and the pressure they place on US border resources.

Neha Desai, senior director of immigration at the National Center for Youth Law, addressed the severity of the conditions these children are faced with:

For at least a year now, children have been held in these egregious conditions for varying lengths of time; there is no reason to believe the situation will resolve on its own. Without the lifesaving support that volunteers provide, who knows how many children’s lives would be lost? But it is the responsibility of the government, not humanitarian volunteers, to ensure that these children’s most basic needs are met.

Looking Forward

This legal challenge against the Biden administration is a stark reminder of the continuing crises at the US borders. The treatment of migrant children, caught in a complex web of policies, laws, and sudden surges in migration, underscores an ongoing human rights concern that demands immediate attention.

Human rights organizations are not just fighting to enforce existing legal standards but advocating for the dignity, safety, and well-being of the most vulnerable. As the case unfolds, it is a critical moment for policymakers, legal authorities, and the public to reflect on the core values that should guide our response to immigration and the treatment of unaccompanied minors.

In conclusion, the testimony of human rights groups exposes a distressing reality for migrant children under federal custody. As legal proceedings continue, this situation calls for a compassionate, lawful, and timely response to uphold the principles of human rights and child welfare at the forefront of immigration policies.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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