CNN Faces Defamation Trial After Failing To Settle With Navy Veteran

 September 16, 2024

A defamation lawsuit against CNN by a Navy veteran will proceed to trial after mediation attempts failed.

According to Fox News, Zachary Young alleges that a segment on Jake Tapper's show "destroyed his reputation" by implying he illegally profited from helping people flee Afghanistan during the 2021 U.S. withdrawal.

The lawsuit stems from a November 11, 2021, segment on CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper." Young claims the network portrayed him and his security consulting company, Nemex Enterprises Inc., as exploiting desperate Afghans for profit during the chaotic evacuation. The failure to reach a settlement during mediation on September 11, 2024, means the case is now set for trial in January 2025.

Allegations Of Reputational Damage And Misrepresentation

Young contends that CNN's portrayal of his company's activities was misleading and damaging. The segment in question, reported by CNN correspondent Alex Marquardt, described a "black market" of evacuation services charging "exorbitant fees" to Afghans seeking to leave the country.

Marquardt specifically mentioned Young's company, stating it was asking for $75,000 to transport a vehicle of passengers to Pakistan and $14,500 per person to reach the United Arab Emirates. The report characterized these prices as "well beyond the reach of most Afghans."

Young argues that this characterization, along with terms like "black market" and "exploit," painted him as a bad actor preying on desperate individuals. He maintains that the segment misrepresented his company's legitimate evacuation services.

Legal Proceedings And Evidence Of Potential Malice

The lawsuit has already overcome significant legal hurdles. In June 2024, judges with the First District Court of Appeal for the State of Florida ruled that Young had provided sufficient evidence of potential malice to proceed with the defamation suit.

The court documents reveal internal CNN communications that express concerns about the completeness and accuracy of the reporting. Some messages described the story as "a mess," "incomplete," and "full of holes like Swiss cheese."

Additionally, the judges noted that Young had informed Marquardt of factual inaccuracies in the reporting hours before publication, yet CNN aired the segment anyway. These factors contributed to the court's decision to allow the case to move forward.

Financial Implications And Trial Preparations

As the case progresses, CNN faces potential financial exposure. Earlier in September 2024, Judge William Henry allowed Young to subpoena CNN for sensitive financial information. This decision was made to help determine the network's net worth, which could impact potential damages if Young prevails in court.

The plaintiff's legal team has indicated a strong commitment to taking the case to trial. Lead counsel Vel Freedman has stated there is "zero chance this case gets stopped before trial," emphasizing their intention to "take CNN to task."

CNN, for its part, has argued that it did not intend to harm Young and that the language used in the segment was either opinion or ambiguous. The network has characterized the internal communications as "journalistic bravado," reflecting a sincere belief in the reporting. Judge Henry will preside over the trial, which is scheduled to begin on January 6, 2025, in the Circuit Court for Bay County, Florida. It promises to be a closely watched case in media and legal circles.


The defamation lawsuit filed by Navy veteran Zachary Young against CNN is set to go to trial in January 2025 after mediation attempts failed. Young alleges that a CNN segment on Jake Tapper's show misrepresented his company's evacuation services during the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal, damaging his reputation. The case has already revealed internal CNN communications expressing concerns about the accuracy of the reporting.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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