Cheney Believes Trump Should Be Disqualified From Holding Office

 January 8, 2024

The political landscape is rumbling with fresh controversy.

Former Representative Liz Cheney has publicly stated that former President Donald Trump should not be eligible for future office.

On CBS's "Face the Nation," Cheney voiced her concerns about Trump's ability to run for office again. She pointed to allegations regarding his involvement in the events leading to the January 6 insurrection. The conversation delved into constitutional grounds, invoking the 14th Amendment as a potential barrier to Trump's future candidacies.

Legal Challenges and Constitutional Debates

The nation's highest court is poised to address this contentious issue. The Supreme Court may soon deliberate on a Colorado case that could influence Trump's place on future ballots. Central to this case is the interpretation of the 14th Amendment, originally designed to prevent Civil War insurrectionists from holding office.

The Special Counsel, Jack Smith, has notably not charged Trump with insurrection. However, Cheney referenced the Select Committee's criminal referral, bringing the 14th Amendment into the spotlight. The legal framework is complex, and discussions about the extent of presidential immunity are ongoing.

Cheney has been vocal about the need to approach the next elections vigilantly. She underscored the importance of being ready to confront and defeat Trump democratically at the polls. This sentiment acknowledges the political realities while emphasizing the rule of law.

Presidential Immunity Under Scrutiny

The DC Circuit Court is set to review the extent of presidential immunity. This review will specifically consider immunity from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office. Cheney firmly rejected the idea that the presidency confers complete immunity from criminal accountability.

She said, "Look, I think that there’s no basis for an assertion that the President of the United States is completely immune from criminal prosecution for acts in office. "

Her statement challenges the notion that presidential powers are absolute. She also criticized Trump's alleged attempts to stifle evidence and stall the legal process. She argues that this behavior indicates a desire to escape scrutiny.

Testimonies from key figures such as Dan Scavino and Pat Cipollone have surfaced. They appear to support claims that Trump was reluctant to intervene during the Capitol attack. These testimonies could prove pivotal in the ongoing discussions about Trump's conduct and accountability.

The Public's Right to Know

Cheney stressed the importance of transparency and public access to evidence. The American people, she contends, must be fully informed before casting their votes in future elections. It is crucial that the electorate is not in the dark regarding the conduct of candidates for the highest office.

Trump is aware that the testimonies against him are not from his political adversaries. Cheney's remark suggests that Trump's reluctance to have evidence presented before the public is a calculated move.

He’s trying to suppress the evidence... He doesn’t want people to see the witnesses will testify against him. Trump knows that the witnesses in his trial are not his political opponents... He doesn’t want the American people to see that evidence before they vote.

The broader political climate is ripe with debates over the limits of presidential power. The impending decisions by the Supreme Court and the DC Circuit Court could profoundly impact the political arena.


Liz Cheney has made a bold statement regarding the future of Donald Trump's political career, invoking legal and constitutional arguments. The Supreme Court and DC Circuit Court will soon address issues related to the 14th Amendment and presidential immunity.

The outcomes of these cases will be closely watched as they may set significant precedents.

Cheney has called for a transparent process, ensuring that the public is well-informed about Trump's actions and the legal interpretations that may affect his eligibility for office.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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