Border Deaths Enough to Impeach Mayorkas: Report

 November 13, 2023

A Congressional impeachment resolution against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has gained a significant backer in the form of U.S. Representative Tony Gonzales.

Rep. Gonzales has voiced his support for the latest impeachment attempt against DHS Secretary Mayorkas, blaming migrant deaths and the ongoing border crisis on his stewardship.

The impeachment resolution in question was introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who accuses Mayorkas of failing to maintain operational control of the border, a legal requirement as per the Secure Fence Act.

Impeachment Charges Cite Alarming Statistics

The resolution ties the alarming number of migrant deaths directly to Mayorkas' performance as DHS Secretary. It attributes "at least 1424 migrant deaths at the southern border" to his tenure, presenting these fatalities as evidence of his failure to manage border security effectively. This correlation between policy and human tragedy is central to the impeachment argument, seeking to hold Mayorkas accountable for the loss of lives.

The border crisis has been a contentious issue throughout the Biden administration's tenure, with frequent debates and differing perspectives on the best approach to border security and immigration policy. The impeachment attempt against Mayorkas is the latest development in this ongoing national debate, reflecting deep divisions and profound concerns about the direction of U.S. border policy.

Rep. Gonzales, in his remarks on the matter, said,

"From restricting ICE’s deportation authorities to exploiting the parole program, he [Mayorkas] will stop at nothing to get around our immigration laws. The Biden administration has tried every trick in the book to create a back door avenue for illegal immigrants."

Impeachment Resolution Details

The issue has been brewing for a while, with the timeline of events being a testament to the escalating situation. In March 2022, Maria Alvarez Tambunga and her granddaughter tragically lost their lives in a vehicle crash involving a migrant smuggler.

Just this Wednesday, a similar incident led to the death of eight people in a vehicle crash involving a migrant smuggler in Gonzales' district. The events of this week, which saw Rep. Greene filing the impeachment resolution against Mayorkas, are an extension of this tragic narrative.

The impeachment resolution filed by Rep. Greene cites alarming statistics on migrant encounters and the rising number of fentanyl deaths, framing these issues as direct outcomes of Mayorkas' leadership. The gravity of these figures has fueled the push for impeachment, reflecting deep concerns about national security and public health.


With the impeachment resolution now filed, the spotlight turns to the new House Speaker, Mike Johnson (R-LA). According to congressional procedures, the House must act on the resolution within two days of Congress's return on Monday. This requirement sets a rapid timeline for deliberations and potentially decisive actions in the coming days.

  • U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) has voiced support for the impeachment attempt against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
  • The resolution was introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), citing Mayorkas' failure to maintain operational control of the border as required by the Secure Fence Act.
  • The resolution contains statistics on migrant encounters and fentanyl-related deaths and forces action from new House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).
  • Incidents leading to the resolution include the deaths of Maria Alvarez Tambunga and her granddaughter in a vehicle crash with a migrant smuggler in March 2022 and eight people dying in a similar crash this week in Gonzales' district.
  • The resolution accuses Mayorkas of ignoring his border control obligations and attributes at least 1424 migrant deaths at the southern border to his performance as DHS Secretary.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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