Bipartisan Bill Would Bolster Trump’s Abraham Accords

 September 16, 2024

Donald Trump's Abraham Accords may be getting a boost thanks to bipartisan legislation passing through the Senate.

Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Jacky Rosen (D-NV) hope to sell the legislation to support our Middle East allies.

Talking Points…
- The Abraham Accords
- New legislation to give a boost
- Analysis

The Abraham Accords

The Abrahma Accords were one of the biggest foreign policy accomplishments of the Trump administration, and Democrats and the media did everything possible to undermine them. The agreements were signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain on September 15, 2020.

The agreements opened up diplomatic relations between the nations, with a promise of more agreements to come in the future (had Trump remained in office). This was huge for Israel and Trump in that it was the first time that Israel had agreed to open relations with any Arab nation in nearly three decades.

After Trump left office and Biden took over, State Department spokesman Ned Price poured water over the deal, downplaying it compared to working toward peace with Palestine, an early sign of where the Biden administration fell in terms of Israel. At the time, Price stated:

"[This is] "not a substitute for Israeli-Palestinian peace... We hope that Israel and other countries in the region join together in a common effort to build bridges and... contribute to tangible progress towards the goal of advancing a negotiated peace between Israelis and Palestinians."

New Legislation to Boost Abraham Accords

Ernst and Rosen are now looking to bolster the Abraham Accords with Israel, which is under attack by numerous terrorist organizations, many sponsored by Iran. Ernst stated:

"In the face of emboldened Iranian aggression, I'm deepening the historic partnerships created through the Abraham Accords four years ago today.

"More cooperation among our Middle East partners is what Tehran fears. The LINK Act accomplishes this by coordinating military planning and creating a permanent and effective defense alliance. By working hand-in-hand with our partners, the strength and security of our nations grows."

Israel has made significant progress working towards peace in the Middle East, and it was nearing a signed agreement with Saudi Arabia when Hamas launched its attack on October 7, bringing everything to a grinding halt. Biden has gone a different route, lifting sanctions that Trump had placed, which included sanctions against Iran that had the country on the brink of collapse until Joe Biden lifted them.


As I stated above, these agreements were actually one of the more notable achievements in foreign policy when Trump was in office, but the agreements barely made headlines, and Democrats more or less called them a publicity stunt.

I will dare to say that had Trump won a second term, we could be looking at a very different situation in the Middle East today, and I firmly believe that Russia would have never moved against Ukraine, not to mention Hamas not daring to take on Israel with a Republican in the White House. For the Biden administration to continue to say it has made the world safer, many conflicts have broken out during Biden's watch.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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