Biden’s Daughter Adds To Long List Of Criminal Family History

 December 19, 2023

The Biden family's history with tax issues has taken a new turn, with President Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, facing allegations of unpaid income taxes.

A recent tax lien reveals that Ashley Biden owes over $5,000 in unpaid income taxes from 2015 to 2021.

This development comes amid President Biden's consistent advocacy for higher taxes on the wealthy, highlighting a contrasting situation within his own family. The lien, filed on December 1st, covers a period that includes Joe Biden's tenure as Vice President and President-elect.

A Pattern of Tax Liabilities in the Biden Family

Ashley Biden's tax issues are not isolated incidents within the Biden family. Over the years, several members of the family have faced similar challenges.

Another of Joe Biden's children, Hunter Biden, is grappling with tax evasion charges. He allegedly failed to pay $1.4 million in taxes between 2016 and 2019, with funds reportedly spent on non-essential items.

Other family members, including James Biden, Frank Biden, and Valerie Biden Owens, have also encountered tax liens in the past, with amounts ranging significantly. These instances span several decades, dating back to 1995.

Biden's Stance on Tax Fairness

These revelations about his family's tax issues come at a time when President Biden has been vocal about tax fairness.

Since November 2019, he has repeatedly called for corporations and the wealthy to contribute more in taxes. His rhetoric emphasizes the need for higher-income people to "pay their fair share," a stance he reaffirmed in his 2022 State of the Union address.

Joe Biden's statements on taxation have focused on reversing policies favoring the wealthy and investing in the middle class. This position stands in stark contrast to the tax challenges faced by members of his family.

Public Reaction and Commentary

The public and political commentators have quickly pointed out the discrepancy between President Biden's tax policy stance and his family's tax history.

Garrett Ziegler, a political analyst, noted the irony in the situation, emphasizing the contrast between the President's public statements and his family's actions.

"The scale is not anything like Hunter, but... Joe is constantly talking about how wealthy and connected people do not pay their fair share and can afford to pay more, and it just so happens that both of his living children did not pay their taxes."

These tax issues within the Biden family, especially given their timing and scale, have raised concerns about the optics for the President, particularly as he continues to advocate for tax fairness. Ziegler further commented on the carelessness this might reflect on the part of the Bidens.

Comparing the Bidens' Tax Issues

While Ashley's tax debt is significantly lower than Hunter's, the pattern within the Biden family is hard to ignore.

Hunter's situation is notably more severe, with a debt of $1.4 million and the nature of his expenditures raising eyebrows. In contrast, the details of Ashley's tax issues are less sensational but contribute to the broader narrative of the family's tax history.

The assistance Hunter received from Kevin Morris, who loaned him over $2 million to address his back taxes, further underscores the complexity and seriousness of his situation.

Broader Implications for the Biden Administration

The ongoing tax issues within the Biden family could have broader implications for the administration, particularly in terms of public perception.

As the President continues to call for increased taxes on the wealthy, these familial tax problems might be seen as undermining his message. It highlights the challenges public figures face when their personal and family circumstances contradict their public stances.

These developments come at a crucial time for the Biden administration, especially as the President positions himself as a champion of tax fairness and middle-class growth.

The situation with Ashley Biden's taxes is a reminder of the complex interplay between personal and public life for those in high office. It is a potential lesson in consistency and transparency, especially for public figures advocating significant policy changes.


As the story continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the Biden administration will address these challenges and whether they will impact the President's policy agenda and public perception.vThe Biden family's tax issues, spanning multiple generations and reaching into the current administration, present a unique case study in the intersection of personal finance and public policy.

  • Ashley Biden owes over $5,000 in unpaid income taxes from 2015-2021.
  • Hunter Biden faces tax evasion charges for allegedly not paying $1.4 million in taxes.
  • Other Biden family members have also faced tax liens over the years.
  • President Biden has consistently called for the wealthy to pay more taxes.
  • The contrast between Biden's public stance and his family's tax issues raises questions about consistency and transparency.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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