Biden Still on Vacation After Promising to Finish Term Strong

 August 30, 2024

After Biden withdrew from the election, he promised the American people that he would work hard for his last six months in office.

Well, that went out the window, as Biden has been MIA ever since. He has been vacationing in Delaware and California for the last two weeks.

Talking Points…
- Finishing strong
- Joe goes MIA
- Analysis

Joe Promises to Finish Strong

We all know that Joe Biden has only been president in name for most of his term. So, when he was pressured to step down and turn the nomination over to Kamala, nobody was really surprised. However, Biden promised he would not be mailing it in as a lame duck for the next six months. His Chief of Staff, Jeff Zeints, assured everyone:

"The president's belief is that every single day matters.

"We're going to finish the job as strong as we started it and continue to make history together."

Zients then proceeded to outline an agenda that Biden would pursue in his remaining days, which included:

  • Continued aggressive implementation of historic legislative accomplishments
  • Lowering costs for families
  • Personal freedoms and civil rights
  • Continuing to restore America's position as the indispensable nation

Joe Biden eventually gave a speech, saying that he would also be working hard on Supreme Court reform. Biden then disappeared, and we have not seen very much of him since.

Joe Goes MIA

After withdrawing from the race, Biden was pretty much invisible, even taking a few extra days in Delaware before returning to the White House. One of the few appearances Biden made was at the DNC to give his formal endorsement of Harris and, more or less, give his swan song speech to the party members.

As soon as Biden finished his speech, he took off for California for a free week's vacation at a rich donor's house, and Biden has yet to return to the White House. After his California trip was over, Biden just went to his Delaware beach house for another week of fun in the sun. The New York Post just published a bunch of pictures from Biden's last vacation, just hanging out on the beach without a care in the world. Republicans have been going ballistic, but the White House is playing this down.

White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby sounded just like Biden while deflecting criticism that Biden is just playing out the string during his last days in office. When asked about the extended break, Kirby stated:

"My goodness, he talked to Prime Minister Modi today. He had calls with leaders in the region and in Europe, President Zelenskyy, last week. He monitored in real time what was going on over the weekend. I mean, come on.

"The president is on vacation, but you can never unplug from a job like that, nor does he try to… He's very much in command of making sure we can continue to protect our national security interests here at home and certainly overseas."

For those of you counting, since Biden dropped out of the race, he has been away from the White House 27 of 36 days or 75% of the time. Being president appears to be the best job in the country because you never have to show up for work.


The media and everyone on the left used to lose their minds when Trump went to his resort over the weekend. Now, I have never really cared about presidential vacations or what they do on the weekends as long as we know they are working. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump all held pressers when they were away from the White House, but you never see Biden once he gets on that plane or chopper. Biden is literally stealing money from the American taxpayer right now, just riding out the days until he is out of office, and everyone seems perfectly okay with the fact the shadow government is now openly running things for him.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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