Biden Met With Pro-Terror Arab-American Leader In Michigan

 February 11, 2024

In a move that has sparked conversation across the political spectrum, Biden administration officials met with a controversial figure in Michigan. The officials engaged with Osama A. Siblani, a leader with pro-terrorism views, igniting discussions on their approach toward Arab- and Muslim-American voters.

The visit to Michigan was seen as an effort to connect with Arab- and Muslim-American communities amid President Joe Biden's varying stance towards Israel, especially in light of recent conflicts with Hamas. Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer, along with other officials, sat down with Osama A. Siblani, who publishes The Arab American News, to delve into pressing community concerns.

Siblani, known for his stark views and open support for terrorist groups, did not mince words when expressing his disillusionment with the Biden administration. He highlighted a sense of betrayal felt by his community due to what he perceives as unkept promises by the current administration.

The Struggle to Garner Support Amidst Controversy

"I've been involved in this community day in and day out every single day for 40 years," Siblani declared, emphasizing the deep-rooted dissatisfaction amongst Arab and Muslim Americans towards President Biden. His statement sheds light on the administration's uphill battle to regain the support of these critical voter demographics, Breitbart reported.

Siblani's contentious stance was further illuminated in a speech he delivered in 2022, where he extolled violent resistance against Israel and celebrated the notion of martyrdom for Palestine's liberation. This speech, captured and analyzed by the Middle East Media Research Institute, laid bare his radical ideology.

The Dearborn meetings, which saw the participation of at least seven Biden administration officials, including notable figures like Samantha Power from the U.S. Agency for International Development, are indicative of the administration's attempts to bridge gaps with various communities. However, the inclusion of Siblani in these discussions raises questions about the effectiveness and implications of such outreach efforts.

The Ongoing Dialogue and Its Repercussions

Siblani's history of equating terrorist groups to "freedom fighters" and advocating for armed resistance sends a complex message about the nature of the dialogues the Biden administration is willing to engage in.

The absence of confirmation regarding Siblani's presence at the meetings cited by the New York Times adds an element of uncertainty to the narrative.

In his pro-terror declaration, Siblani voiced a chilling glorification of violence and martyrdom. "Peace be upon the pure blood that poured from Shireen Abu Akleh’s head. Peace be upon the blood that irrigates the land of Palestine, so that heroic martyrs like her and like others would emerge from it, and Palestine would be liberated and restored to the Arab nation...Do you see what is happening in Palestine? They thought that 1948 was a demarcation line. They thought we had forgotten. Now, surprise, fedayeen are setting out from the land of 1948. They are striking them with knives and with their bare hands, and they are victorious...They will fight with stones, others will fight with guns, others will fight with planes, drones, and rockets, others will fight with their voices, and others will fight with their hands and say: ‘Free, free Palestine!'"


The timeline surrounding the meeting and the controversial connections outlined paint a nuanced picture of the Biden administration's struggle to navigate its relationship with Arab- and Muslim-American voters, marked by the backdrop of international politics and internal community dynamics.

The Biden administration's efforts to engage with Arab- and Muslim-American communities through figures like Osama A. Siblani reveal the complex interplay of domestic politics, international relations, and community expectations.

The administration's visit to Michigan, meant to address concerns and solidify support, instead underscores the challenges faced in reconciling diverse views within America's melting pot of opinions and beliefs.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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