Biden Latest Mental Gaffe Ignored by Dems and Media

 April 25, 2024

There comes a time when people really have to start asking who is running the White House.

For those of us on the right, that question was being asked almost immediately after Biden moved in, but the left continues to ignore some very glaring warning signs, including Joe Biden's latest gaffe.

Talking Points…
- Biden gaffes the norm, not the exception
- Biden latest gaffe
- Analysis

Long List of Biden Gaffes

As most of you reading this know, Joe Biden has been a gaffe machine his entire career, but nothing like we have seen since he has been in the White House. Even if we look at the last year, we could point out a dozen gaffes he has made. The difference, however, is in the type of gaffes that Joe Biden is making.

Early in his career, Biden's gaffes were more like inappropriate things that he said due to the time that he grew up in. And because he was a Democrat, he got away with saying things that would have ended a Republican's career. Now, Biden is making gaffes that show a cognitive decline, such as confusing Iraq and Ukraine, as he did in June during a Florida event.

Biden also now has a history of lack of recollection of events, so he puts himself into the picture. Such as he did during a September 11 anniversary event, when he told troops in Alaska that he was at Ground Zero the day after the attacks (he did not visit Ground Zero until September 20). Biden has confused world leaders, such as when he confused Hungary's PM with the leader of Turkey on October 23. He has referred to Taylor Swift as Britney Spears, confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and once referred to German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the late German leader Helmut Kohl.

Biden's Latest Gaffe Raises More Concerns About White House Leadership

Now, I could go on and on about gaffes like those mentioned above, but I really want to highlight the ones that happened this week such as when Biden was giving a speech at the North American Building Trade Union. Biden was railing against Trump and touting his so-called accomplishments since taking office.

In reality, Joe Biden was reading a speech off the teleprompter that someone else had written, and that Joe apparently had very little time to rehearse. After all, how much time does Joe need to rehearse a speech, the guts of which he has already done dozens of times, right? Yet, Biden again managed to mess this up by reading directions in the speech where he was supposed to pause, which was not the first time he had done this. Here is the speech as it took place…

Earlier in the week, Joe Biden had what many are now considering a Freudian slip. While taking a shot at Trump, Biden stated:

"I don't know why we're surprised by Trump. How many times does he have to prove we can't be trusted?"


I don't know what is more concerning… Biden's gaffes or that Democrats and the media just overlook them as Joe being Joe. As I have stated in previous reports, this stopped being funny years ago when we realized that Joe Biden is nothing more than a mouthpiece for whoever is running this show behind the curtain.

Nobody is perfect, and all of us have made slipups while speaking, especially as we get older, but not to this degree where words are being slurred, someone is being misidentified even though they are right in front of him, and just the constant gaps in memory, as the Special Counsel Robert Hur report revealed. Joe is not okay, folks, yet he is the man that Democrats are confident can beat Donald Trump and stay in the White House another four years. It is a very sad state of our country that Democrats and the media pretend this man is okay to do the job.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.
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