Biden-Harris Administration Accused Of Manipulating Border Data In Swing State

 August 30, 2024

The Biden administration is facing accusations of manipulating immigration statistics to create an illusion of reduced border crossings in Arizona, a crucial swing state for the 2024 election.

According to Daily Mail, former Border Patrol agent Art Del Cueto claims the White House is cherry-picking data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection to fit their narrative that immigration issues are improving.

Del Cueto, now the National Border Patrol Council Vice President, argues that while official numbers show a drop in migrant encounters, this doesn't paint the full picture. He points to the issue of "gotaways" - migrants who enter the U.S. without being apprehended - as a significant problem that's not accurately reflected in the statistics.

Controversial Data Manipulation Claims In Arizona

Del Cueto asserts that Arizona is "ground zero" for the immigration issue, making it a key battleground for the upcoming election. He suggests that the administration's focus on encounter numbers ignores the broader reality of illegal border crossings.

The former agent estimates that since President Biden took office, over eight million illegal migrants have entered the U.S. through the southern border. This number could potentially reach 10 million by the end of Biden's term.

Del Cueto emphasizes the difficulty in accurately tracking "gotaways," stating that the current estimate of two million is likely an undercount. He explains that these numbers are often based on footprints in the dirt, making precise counts challenging.

Historical Context Of Border Apprehension Rates

Del Cueto provides historical context for the border situation, noting that before the Obama and Trump administrations, it was estimated that only about 40% of migrants crossing the border were apprehended.

He suggests that if this figure still holds true, it would mean that 60% of migrants illegally crossing into the U.S. are not encountered by federal agents. However, he admits that there's no reliable way to determine the exact number of "gotaways."

The former agent's comments highlight the ongoing debate about the effectiveness of border control measures and the accuracy of immigration statistics.

Challenges In Border Wall Maintenance

Del Cueto also points out ongoing issues with the border wall, particularly in the Tucson Sector. He mentions that there are daily breaches in the wall, with cartels often cutting holes to facilitate smuggling operations.

This information suggests that despite official statistics showing a decrease in encounters, there are still significant challenges in maintaining border security. The constant need for repairs to the wall indicates ongoing attempts at illegal crossings.

These revelations come at a time when immigration remains a hot-button issue in American politics, especially as the 2024 election approaches.


The Biden administration is under scrutiny for potentially manipulating border crossing data in Arizona, a key swing state. Former Border Patrol agent Art Del Cueto claims that official statistics don't accurately reflect the number of "gotaways" entering the country illegally. He estimates that over eight million illegal migrants have crossed the southern border since Biden took office, with this number potentially reaching 10 million by the end of his term. The ongoing challenges with maintaining the border wall and tracking undetected crossings highlight the complexity of the immigration issue as the 2024 election approaches.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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