Biden Forgives Another $6 Billion Student Loan Debt

 March 22, 2024

Joe Biden has once again circumvented the order given by the Supreme Court regarding student loan debt.

It was announced on Thursday that Joe Biden has given out another $6 billion in student loan forgiveness, this time to public service employees.

Talking Points…
- Supreme Court ruling
- Biden dishes out more free student loan money
- Analysis

Supreme Court Ruling on Student Loan Forgiveness

Last year, several cases came before the Supreme Court regarding Joe Biden's massive student loan forgiveness plan. The court ruled 6-3 in Biden v. Nebraska, a suit that was joined by a handful of other states regarding student loan forgiveness.

In a second case, Department of Education v. Brown, the court again struck down a challenge for student loan forgiveness, stating that the plaintiffs did not have standing to prove that they "suffer" from not having their student loans forgiven.

When all was said and done, the court had ruled that the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, or HEROES Act, did not give the Biden administration the authority to forgive this amount of debt without it coming from an official act from Congress. Had the court decided the other way, it would have greenlit roughly $430 billion in student loan debt.

Biden Uses Piece Meal to Push Through Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

Since Biden was not permitted to do sweeping student loan forgiveness, he has used loopholes to piece up the forgiveness plan. Biden has been targeting specific groups and forming new rules allowing him to forgive their student loans, or at least a part of them.

As of February, Biden had forgiven $136 billion in student loan debt, but he just introduced a new rule offering another $6 billion in student loan debt. The latest round of student loan forgiveness will cover 77,000 public service workers, including teachers, nurses, social workers, firefighters, and the like. On an individual basis, this round comes to about $77,000 per person for loan forgiveness.

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona stated:

"For too long, our nation's teachers, nurses, social workers, firefighters and other public servants faced logistical troubles and trapdoors when they tried to access the debt relief they were entitled to under the law.

"With this announcement, the Biden-Harris Administration is showing how we're taking further steps not only to fix those trapdoors, but also to expand opportunity to many more Americans."

Progressives in Congress celebrated the latest round, as this has been a significant focus of the Squad members in the House, who have been applying significant pressure on Biden to use executive orders to cancel this debt for borrowers. To that point, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was among the first to applaud the latest round of forgiveness, posting:

"Great news! This is an important step in our fight for student debt cancellation. This brings the total student debt cancelled to nearly $144 billion for about 4 million borrowers.

"Let's keep fighting until we cancel student debt for EVERY single borrower."


While Joe Biden loves to call this student loan cancelation or forgiveness, that money has to come from somewhere because it has already been spent. As I write this report, the U.S. National Debt sits at more than $34.59 trillion, and all of that money that Biden just forgave is added to that total, which, of course, must be paid by the American taxpayer.

This is just a blatant effort to buy votes from younger voters, but I have to think those who paid off our student loans will be angered and hold this against Joe Biden. This administration's spending has been at COVID levels without the pandemic and must be stopped. We are dooming generations of future Americans to dig this country out of this mess, yet Biden keeps spending, and liberals keep applauding it.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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