Biden Family Deliberates Possible Departure From 2024 Presidential Race

 July 19, 2024

Discussions about President Joe Biden stepping down from his 2024 campaign are making waves among his family and close aides.

Amidst concerns about his political future and health, internal discussions have intensified regarding how President Joe Biden might gracefully exit his 2024 presidential campaign.

According to NBC News, this deliberation within Biden's circle is influenced by various factors, including his recent performance in a debate three weeks ago, mounting public and insider pressure, and his health following a positive test for COVID-19 this Wednesday.

While whispers of Biden's potential withdrawal grow louder, his family, alongside top Democratic officials and campaign donors, are exploring how his exit could serve the party and honor his longstanding service.

Biden has expressed his openness to ending his campaign, primarily influenced by recent political events and personal reflections at his home after contracting COVID-19.

Competing Statements Within Biden’s Team

Biden's senior aides are divided. While some insiders suggest his resignation might be imminent, official spokespeople offer a robust denial of any such plans.

"That is not happening, period. The individuals making those claims are not speaking for his family or his team — and they will be proven wrong. Keep the faith," said Andrew Bates, a spokesperson for Biden.

Jen O'Malley Dillon, Biden's campaign manager, in a recent interview, emphasized that Joe Biden is firmly in the race. "It's been a small movement," Dillon said, stating that Biden is "absolutely" still competing.

Reactions from Allies and Political Figures

Ron Klain, one of Biden's key aides, acknowledged the mounting pressure but expressed personal support for Biden to pursue the race. "I want him to stay," Klain said, capturing the tension within the campaign.

Discussions about Biden’s presidency and campaign have echoed within his inner circle, where feelings of betrayal and frustration surface against those advocating for his departure. An unnamed ally criticized the handling of the situation: "There was a much more dignified way to do this if this is what they wanted. This is no way to treat a public servant who has done a lot for this country."

Brian Wolff, a prominent Democratic figure, spoke on the delicate balance current candidates must maintain: "The House is on the brink. These candidates can’t afford to alienate the base."


Despite ongoing discussions and rumors of his potential exit, Biden reaffirmed his commitment to the race in a conversation with Rev. Al Sharpton this Monday. As rumors persist about his political future and possible endorsements, Biden continues to communicate his determination to compete.

To sum up, while speculation about President Joe Biden's campaign exit bubbles under the surface of his 2024 re-election efforts, contrasting narratives from within his camp paint a picture of a campaign at a crossroads. Discussions include many facets, such as possible impacts on the Democratic party, Biden's health, and the broader political environment, suggesting a complex decision-making process that could reshape his political journey.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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