Biden Caught In Extortion Attempt While Trying To Cut Deportations And Migrant Crime Wave

 February 20, 2024

The Biden administration is currently under fire.

The heart of the controversy lies in a contentious plan that, critics argue, aims to reduce the deportation of criminal undocumented immigrants drastically, contingent on Congress greenlighting additional funds for the Department of Homeland Security.

These funds are purportedly destined for NGOs heavily involved with issues surrounding illegal immigration, sparking a debate that has polarized opinions across the spectrum.

RJ Hauman, the president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), has gone so far as to denounce this strategy as an outright deception. He perceives it as an attempt at extortion, leveraging the threat of reduced deportations to secure the demanded billions.

According to Hauman, this maneuver by the White House is an exploitation of the legal and bureaucratic system to further an agenda that many see as undermining the very fabric of national security and public safety.

"This is nothing more than a misleading extortion attempt to prolong a self-inflicted invasion that has been compounded by the gutting of interior enforcement," RJ Hauman asserted. His criticism reflects a broader sentiment that the Biden administration's approach to immigration, particularly in handling crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, is fundamentally flawed.

Shifting Policies and Their Implications

Under President Biden's tenure, the Department of Homeland Security has reportedly received even more funding than it had requested specifically for detention space. Despite this, there appears to be a concerted effort to reduce such space by up to 30 percent. This policy shift raises questions about the administration's priorities and its commitment to addressing the concerns of American communities regarding the presence of criminal undocumented immigrants.

The legislation endorsed by the President that could expedite work permits for undocumented immigrants and sustain a so-called parole pipeline into the U.S. has also drawn criticism. These legislative moves, coupled with the administration's reduction in deportations and at-large arrests, point to a significant transformation in how the U.S. is addressing the complex issue of illegal immigration.

Data from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals a stark reduction in the deportations of criminal undocumented immigrants—a 60 percent decline—and an almost 70 percent drop in at-large arrests when compared to the first three years of the Trump administration. This data underlines the drastic shift in approach and the consequent rise in high-profile crimes involving undocumented immigrants, further fueling the controversy.

Controversy and Public Safety Concerns

The broader implications of these policies on public safety and national security cannot be overstated. The reduction in ICE detainer requests, deportations, and arrests of criminal undocumented immigrants suggests a troubling trend toward leniency that many fear could jeopardize community safety. High-profile crimes committed by undocumented immigrants have only served to amplify these concerns, pushing the debate into the forefront of national discourse.

RJ Hauman on Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas' policies: "Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ response to being impeached is to lash out and threaten to harm American communities with the release of thousands of criminal aliens."

These policy changes, which began with a 100-day suspension of deportations proposed at the onset of Biden's presidency, have evolved into a comprehensive overhaul of immigration enforcement. Such changes have not gone unnoticed, igniting a debate that transcends political affiliations, with many Americans demanding a more balanced approach that safeguards both the nation's values and its citizens.

Jon Feere, a critic of the administration's policies, argues, "The administration’s claim that its immigration policies are designed to focus on criminal aliens is demonstrably false." This sentiment is echoed by many who view the recent moves as contradictory to the promised focus on criminal elements among undocumented immigrants.


The Biden administration's immigration policies, particularly those concerning the deportation and detention of criminal undocumented immigrants, have sparked a contentious debate. RJ Hauman’s critique underscores a deep-seated concern among critics regarding the direction of these policies and their implications for public safety and national security. As the debate unfolds, the administration’s ability to balance the humane treatment of immigrants with the imperative of ensuring public safety remains a pressing challenge.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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