Biden Admin Goes Rogue About President’s Push For EV’s And It’s Impact On National Security

 February 25, 2024

In a striking revelation, U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo raised flags over the potential national security threats that Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) might pose to the United States. The concern emphasizes the need for action to mitigate these risks and address market imbalances fueled by Chinese subsidies.

During a recent interview on CNBC’s “Closing Bell: Overtime,” Raimondo articulated the administration's apprehensions surrounding the influx of Chinese EVs into the American market. The remarks followed comments from Stellantis' CEO, who tagged the low-cost Chinese EV market as a significant challenge, highlighting the growing unease within the U.S. automotive sector and beyond regarding this issue.

The U.S. government currently enforces a tariff on Chinese EV imports, a move aimed at leveling the playing field. However, Raimondo's statements suggest a possibly deeper concern, particularly regarding the data collection capabilities inherent to EV technology. The potential for this data to be shared with Beijing poses a stark national security risk that the administration is keenly aware of.

Concerns Over Data Privacy and Market Fairness

Raimondo shone a light on the dual issues threatening the integrity of U.S. national security and market competition. The fact that electric vehicles, equipped with advanced sensors and semiconductors, can collect considerable amounts of data about their users sets the stage for potential misuse should this information be funneled back to Beijing, Breitbart reported.

Probably, yes. I share the concern. By the way, I have national security concerns about electric vehicles. An electric vehicle has sensors and semiconductors. They know who’s driving it, where they’re driving, huge amounts of data. Chinese EVs on our road, is that data going back to Beijing in ways that undermine our national security? We’re looking hard at that.

Beyond security concerns, the unfair market situation created by Chinese subsidies and low capital costs also caught Raimondo's eye. By reducing the cost of EV production, these subsidies make it difficult for American and other global manufacturers to compete, threatening the economic landscape.

Administration Mulling Over Further Measures

The Biden administration is carefully considering its next steps to address these multifaceted challenges. Raimondo emphasized the administration's commitment to ensuring a level playing field for Americans, highlighting ongoing efforts to safeguard national interests while fostering a competitive and fair market environment.

"Additionally, what you say, listen, I have always maintained Americans can compete if there’s a level playing field. And you have a situation where China is distorting the market dynamics due to subsidies and low costs of capital. And so, I know the president is deeply concerned about both of these issues and the administration is being thoughtful. We want to get it right, but have our eye, certainly, on the ball of thinking about what can we do, what must we do to protect Americans.”

The dialogue with China over EVs underscores growing concerns globally about the intersection of technology, security, and trade. As the U.S. delves deeper into these issues, the implications for the future of international relations, trade policies, and the global automotive market remain closely watched by industry analysts and political leaders alike.


U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo's candid concerns over Chinese electric vehicles illuminate the complexities at the intersection of innovation, national security, and international trade.

The administration's focus on ensuring fair competition and safeguarding America's national security interests signals a cautious yet determined approach to navigating the challenges posed by the global EV market.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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