Biden Admin Caught Terminating Nearly 800K Jobs With Tax-Hike Plan

 April 3, 2024

In an age when economic stability is more aspiration than assurance, the White House's latest proposal has stirred the pot.

President Biden’s ambitious tax overhaul aimed at corporations and the affluent might be a double-edged sword.

Fox Business News reported that the Tax Foundation, known for its advocacy for lower taxes, has dampened spirits with its analysis: Biden's fiscal strategy 2025 could significantly hamper the U.S. economy. According to their projections, we're looking at a 2.2% reduction in economic output, a 1.6% decrease in wages, and a loss of approximately 788,000 full-time jobs.

Biden’s budget blueprint is as bold as it is controversial. It proposes a series of tax hikes, including a 25% minimum tax on the uber-rich, a higher capital gains tax, an increase in the corporate tax rate to 28%, and several other measures to ensure the wealthiest and corporations pay their fair share. However, these aren't just numbers on a page; they're potential catalysts for a slower economy.

The Tax Foundation's report pulls no punches in its assessment.

The policies outlined in the plan would make the tax code more complicated, unstable, and anti-growth, while also expanding the amount of spending in the tax code for a variety of policy goals not related to revenue collection.

Tax Reforms With Far-Reaching Consequences

The proposed tax adjustments are not without their rationale. Aiming to reduce the federal deficit by around $3 trillion, the plan also seeks to fund expansive new programs. The intentions are noble, from monthly tax credits aiding homeowners with mortgage payments to subsidies for childcare and reducing prescription drug prices. Yet, the question lingers: at what cost?

Notably, the capital gains tax reform suggests an unprecedented move that would elevate the U.S. beyond the norms of the 38-member Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

By taxing wealthy Americans' capital gains as ordinary income, the top tax rate on capital gains could skyrocket to 49.9%. This figure, while staggering, highlights the administration's commitment to fiscal reform and signals a potentially precarious deviation from global standards.

However, the segment of Biden's proposal drawing the most criticism pertains to corporate income tax. The Tax Foundation marks this increase from 21% to 28% as detrimental to economic growth. This shift reverses a key component of former President Donald Trump's 2017 tax law and signals a stark pivot in U.S. fiscal policy.

Political Roadblocks and Economic Uncertainty

The proposed tax reforms are stepping into a hornet's nest of political opposition. With Republicans controlling the House, the path to passing such a contentious budget appears fraught with challenges. This discord in Congress hints at turbulent times ahead for Biden's proposals, with the likelihood of support dimming amidst partisan divides.

The analysis by the Tax Foundation raises an important caveat:

Our economic estimates likely understate the effects of the budget since they exclude two novel and highly uncertain yet large tax increases on high earners and multinational corporations, namely a new minimum tax on unrealized capital gains and an undertaxed profits rule (UTPR) consistent with the OECD/G20 global minimum tax model rules.

This acknowledgment hints at a broader potential impact, suggesting that the true economic ramifications could extend beyond current projections.


President Biden’s fiscal 2025 budget proposal, emphasizing taxing corporations and the wealthy, boldly attempts to address the federal deficit and fund ambitious new programs. Yet, the Tax Foundation’s analysis suggests a significant economic toll, with potential reductions in GDP, wages, and substantial job losses. Amidst political contention and the possibility of exacerbating an already fragile economy, these proposals stir a complex debate on fiscal policy, economic growth, and equitable taxation. The ultimate challenge lies in navigating the legislative process and balancing the pursuit of social equity with economic vitality.

About Robert Cunningham

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.
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