Trump Defense Cites Supreme Court For Obstruction Charge Dismissal

 October 4, 2024

Former President Donald Trump's defense has moved to dismiss all criminal charges linked to allegations from the period surrounding the 2020 elections and the events of January 6, 2021.

The move follows significant Supreme Court rulings that may impact the potential legal standing of the charges filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith, Fox News reported.

Legal Arguments Focus on Fischer's Decision

Donald Trump's legal team argues based on a landmark Supreme Court ruling in Fischer v. United States, asserting that it has redefined the parameters of legal obstruction, thus offering Trump a strong defense. The pending charges against him include conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstructing an official proceeding. Additional charges involve a supposed conspiracy against rights concerning the actions of January 6.

Trump’s defense has also drawn on another Supreme Court case naming him directly, United States v. Trump, which they claim supports presidential immunity. His lawyers contend that his actions fall under this umbrella or are otherwise protected by the First Amendment.

General Mark Milley, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, noted significant evidence that Trump had indeed forecasted the potential for unrest. Trump instructed defense officials to ensure a sufficient military presence to safeguard the event.

Fischer Ruling Frames Defense Strategy

The ruling in Fischer v. United States, delivered last Friday, dissects what legally constitutes obstruction of justice, crucially narrowing its scope. Trump's attorneys argue that the indictment, in light of this decision, fails to prove that Trump meant to impair the integrity or availability of evidence—a key requirement post-Fischer. Trump’s legal team has been assertive in highlighting contradictions in federal prosecutorial standards.

The Special Counsel has disregarded established legal precedents in this district. They argue that no matter the clear evidence suggesting otherwise, including actions by former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who indirectly accepted "responsibility" for the Capitol events in a previously unseen video.

Trump’s legal team insists that the Superseding Indictment falls short based on the Fischer decision. They claim there is a clear misuse of statutes to selectively characterize legal activities as obstructive, which, they argue, targets Trump because of his political views, demanding the dismissal of certain counts against him.

The legal discourse states: “Once stripped of President Trump’s official acts subject to immunity and protected First Amendment political advocacy, the Superseding Indictment lacks sufficient factual allegations to support either element as required by Counts Two and Three."

Arguments Tie to Presidential Election Timeline

Judge Chutkan has postponed the trial until after the November 2024 Presidential Election. This decision provides tactical breathing room for both the defense and prosecution to refine their arguments, with further replies due by November 7, 2024.

Trump’s legal team asserts: "President Trump expressed sincere and valid concerns about the integrity of the 2020 election under his authority as the Chief Executive. There is no precedent for a criminal prosecution based on such a record."

In the grand scheme of judicial arguments and political scenarios, the charges against Trump pose a profound legal challenge, engaging not only with the specifics of lawful and unlawful conduct but also with the intertwined drama of political and judicial boundaries.

Focusing ultimately on the upcoming trial, the defense paints a picture of a battle not only over the facts of January 6 but also over the interpretation of presidential rights and electoral integrity throughout Trump’s maneuvers post-2020 election.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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