Gavin Newsom Enacts Legislation To Prevent Local Voter ID Laws

 September 30, 2024

Governor Gavin Newsom of California has signed legislation that prevents local authorities from instituting voter identification requirements beyond those mandated by the state.

According to Breitbart News, Newsom approved SB 1174, a bill that explicitly forbids local governments from enacting or enforcing any regulations that would require voters to present identification at polling locations or other ballot submission sites.

The new law, set to take effect on January 1, 2025, directly counters efforts by some local jurisdictions, such as the City of Huntington Beach, to implement stricter voter identification measures. California is currently one of 14 states that do not require any form of ID to vote, relying instead on voter roll verification at polling places and signature matching for mail-in ballots.

State Overrides Local Voting Regulations

The legislation, authored by State Senator Dave Min, an Orange County Democrat, specifically targets a ballot measure approved earlier this year by Huntington Beach voters. This measure would have required photo identification for voting in the 2024 elections.

SB 1174 goes beyond just prohibiting photo ID requirements. It also includes language asserting that voter identification laws have historically been used to disenfranchise certain groups of voters, including low-income individuals, people of color, those with disabilities, and senior citizens.

In addition to the voter ID law, Governor Newsom signed another piece of legislation that prevents local authorities from banning vote-counting machines. This move appears to be in response to attempts by some local officials to remove electronic voting systems due to concerns about election integrity.

California's Stance On Voter Access

California's approach to voting regulations stands in stark contrast to many other states that have implemented stricter voter identification requirements. The state's leadership maintains that their current system, which does not require ID at the polls, is sufficient to ensure election integrity.

Proponents of the new law argue that it will help maintain uniform voting procedures across the state and prevent potential voter suppression. Critics, however, contend that the lack of ID requirements could potentially lead to voter fraud.

The text of SB 1174 includes the following statement:

Voter identification laws have historically been used to disenfranchise low-income voters, voters of color, voters with disabilities, and senior voters.

Impact On Upcoming Elections

While California is expected to support Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential election, the state has several competitive congressional races that could significantly impact the balance of power in Washington.

The new law ensures that all localities within California will follow the same identification procedures for voting, regardless of local preferences. This uniformity may have implications for voter turnout and election administration in closely contested districts.

However, the impact of this legislation on election outcomes remains to be seen, as debates over voter identification and election security continue to be contentious issues in American politics.


Governor Newsom's signing of SB 1174 reinforces California's position on voter access and election administration. The law prohibits local authorities from requiring voter identification beyond state mandates, overriding attempts by some jurisdictions to implement stricter measures. This legislation, along with a companion bill banning local prohibitions on vote-counting machines, aims to standardize voting procedures across California while potentially influencing the outcome of crucial congressional races in the state.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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