Report: Over 650,000 Migrant Offenders At Large In U.S.

 September 28, 2024

According to a Breitbart News report, up to 650,000 migrant criminals and suspects are roaming American communities. This information comes from a data dump provided by Rep. Tony Gonzalez (R-TX) to Fox News.

The data, sourced from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), paints a concerning picture of the current state of immigration enforcement. It reveals that among those not in detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals, including 13,099 individuals convicted of homicide.

Breakdown Of Migrant Criminal Statistics

The ICE data provides a detailed breakdown of the criminal histories of non-citizens on their national docket. As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 non-citizens with criminal histories, both detained and non-detained.

Of this total, 435,719 are convicted criminals, while 226,847 have pending criminal charges. The report also highlights that 222,141 undetained migrants are facing criminal charges, including 1,845 homicide charges.

Furthermore, the data reveals that approximately 17,000 migrants have been found guilty of or charged with sexual offenses. These figures raise significant concerns about public safety and the effectiveness of current immigration policies.

Biden Administration's Immigration Policies

The release of this data has sparked criticism of the Biden administration's approach to immigration enforcement. Critics argue that the administration's policies have led to a significant reduction in the detention and deportation of migrants, including those with criminal histories.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the current Secretary of Homeland Security, has been at the center of this controversy. Since taking office, Mayorkas has implemented policies that have reportedly scaled back enforcement actions against illegal immigrants, including those with criminal records.

These policies are said to align with the administration's "Bidenomics" economic strategy, which some argue relies on creating lower-wage jobs filled by migrants rather than American workers.

Political Implications Of The Data Dump

The timing of this data release has significant political implications, particularly for Vice President Kamala Harris. Harris, who reportedly declined to share control of migration policy with Mayorkas in March 2021, was scheduled to give a speech promising a "tough" border policy shortly after this information became public.

Former President Donald Trump was quick to respond to the news, criticizing Harris and the current administration. Trump stated on social media: "Nobody who has allowed this to happen to our Country is fit to be president of the United States!" He further called for Harris to cancel her scheduled news conference in light of this information.

Concerns Over Public Safety And Policy

The release of these statistics has reignited debates about the balance between immigration policies and public safety. Critics argue that the current approach puts American communities at risk by allowing individuals with serious criminal histories to remain in the country.

Supporters of stricter immigration enforcement point to these numbers as evidence of the need for more robust detention and deportation policies. They argue that the current system fails to prioritize the removal of individuals who pose a threat to public safety. On the other hand, advocates for immigration reform caution against using these statistics to generalize about all immigrants, emphasizing the need for a nuanced approach to immigration policy that balances humanitarian concerns with public safety.


The release of ICE data revealing over 650,000 migrant criminals and suspects at large in the U.S. has ignited a fierce debate on immigration policy. The statistics show 425,431 convicted criminals among non-detained migrants, including 13,099 convicted of homicide. This information has sparked criticism of the Biden administration's immigration policies and is likely to have significant implications for the ongoing national discussion on border security and immigration reform.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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