'Significant Shift': Farm Bureau Endorses GOP Candidate Over Democrat in Michigan Senate Race

 September 22, 2024

In a surprising political turn, the Michigan Farm Bureau's AgriPac has endorsed former Representative Mike Rogers, a Republican, over Democrat Representative Elissa Slotkin for a pivotal Senate race in Michigan.

Fox News reported that this endorsement marks a notable shift from AgriPac’s long-standing support for Democrat Debbie Stabenow, impacting the dynamics of a race recently dubbed a "toss-up."

AgriPac, which had consistently supported Stabenow in past elections, made headlines with its decision to back Rogers this cycle. This choice comes as a shock not only to Elissa Slotkin, whom Stabenow endorsed but also to many observers aware of the Farm Bureau's history.

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair Gary Peters voiced his disappointment, highlighting AgriPac's general tendency to favor Republicans, with Stabenow being the notable exception due to her position as chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture.

The Importance of Agriculture in Michigan Politics

Agriculture serves as a backbone to Michigan’s economy, making endorsements from key agricultural groups like AgriPac highly influential. Mike Rogers, emphasizing the significance of this endorsement, stated that this decision by the bureau sends a clear message to various business communities within the state.

Mike Rogers outlined his commitment to the agricultural sector:

"I'm honored and grateful to have earned the endorsement of AgriPac and the farmers across Michigan who feed our nation and power Michigan's economy.

Michigan farmers are struggling mightily under the current administration with rising input costs and burdensome government regulations, and now for the first time in American history we are importing more food than we export," Rogers remarked.

Rogers Emphasizes Support for Michigan Farmers

"As Michigan's Senator, our farmers know I'll always have their back, and I'll fight to lower costs, slash needless regulations, and pass the Farm Bill, so farmers can thrive and leave a lasting legacy for the next generation to succeed and feed the world," Rogers further stated, underlining his vision for Michigan's agricultural future.

Slotkin's Response and the Implications of the Endorsement Shift

Elissa Slotkin, the Democratic candidate, has yet to publicize her detailed response to this endorsement shift but is anticipated to address this development promptly, given the importance of AgriPac's influence.

The tight race shows Slotkin in a slender lead with Rogers closely trailing, injecting considerable tension and importance into this endorsement.

Polls and political analysts continue to watch this race closely, given its implications not only for Michigan but also for the broader national political landscape.


About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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