White House Edits Biden's Speech To Remove Sensitive Remark

 September 21, 2024

President Joe Biden’s recent speech at Prince George’s Community College sparked widespread backlash due to his contentious comments regarding the educational achievements of specific demographic groups.

According to Breitbart, the White House promptly altered the transcript of his speech to soften the wording of his statement.

Adjustments Made To Public Record

The alteration involved the addition of the word "and" to the president’s speech transcript published on the White House website. Originally, President Joe Biden stated, “We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas.”

The revised version aimed to disassociate the demographic groups from the lack of high school diplomas.

The change came swiftly after the speech, which discussed various topics like unemployment rates among different groups at the Maryland college.

Community Responses Highlight Discontent

The initial comments were met with immediate criticism on social media. Followers accused President Biden of disrespect and insensitivity towards minorities, a crucial voting bloc that has often supported him.

One user commented on the transparency of his viewpoints, saying, “He is usually honest with how he feels about minorities. How he continues to get their vote is mind-boggling.”

This event is part of a broader pattern where President Biden has been noted for making gaffes. Breitbart News chronicled several of his past misstatements, including incorrect details about visiting Ground Zero after the September 11 attacks.

Biden's Past Misstatements Revisited

On a separate occasion reported earlier by Breitbart News, President Biden erroneously claimed, “Ground Zero, New York. I remember standing there the next day and looking at the building,” while records revealed he was actually at the Senate on the following day and visited the site later on September 20, 2001.

This tendency to misspeak has been documented multiple times, bringing various past incidents to public attention. His frequent lapses raise concerns about their possible effect on public trust and credibility.

These incidents, documented and reported on, illuminate a pattern that may reflect on the administration's handling of communication and factual accuracy. The push to correct his speech could be seen as a move to maintain the president's reputation while managing the public's reaction to potentially divisive statements.

In conclusion, the swift editing of President Biden’s speech by the White House reflects ongoing challenges with public communication encountered by the administration.

The incident not only highlights the immediate fallout and the responses from the community and media but also underscores the broader implications such gaffes could have on public perception and trust.

Each rephrased word or fact-checking report adds another layer to the dynamic and often scrutinized relationship between the administration and the public it serves.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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