Abbey Gate Survivor: Biden Has Blood on His Hands

 September 20, 2024

Ever since the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, the Biden administration has been trying to hang those horrors on Donald Trump.

Who better to decide who was responsible than the people that were on the ground? One of the victims of Biden’s incompetence that day has come forward to tell his story.

Talking Points…
- Blame it on Trump
- Survivor comes forward
- Analysis

Blame It All on Trump

Since taking office, Joe Biden has leaned into blaming Trump for everything that has gone wrong with his administration, including the Afghanistan withdrawal roughly eight months after Biden took office. This was his op, his planning, and his decision to move forward (the Taliban, at the time, were in violation of Trump’s agreement, so Biden did not have to adhere to any timelines or stipulations of the agreement), which resulted in 13 soldiers and more than 100 locals being killed.

Republicans in the House and Senate were investigating what went wrong with the withdrawal, and with their reports looming, Biden released a report put together by the National Security Council to counter what he knew the Republican reports would say. In that report, Biden claimed that he was “severely constrained” by the Trump agreement. In part, the report stated:

“President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor.

“The Taliban were in the strongest military position that they had been in since 2001, controlling or contesting nearly half of the country.”

Survivor Comes Forward

After the report came out, Donald Trump called it a “new disinformation game” by the Biden administration to try to pin the blame on him for Biden’s debacle. Now, one of the men injured at Abbey Gate that day has come forward to call out Joe Biden for his disastrous plan. Marine Sergeant Tyler Vargas-Andrews described what happened that day, as well as a visit by Joe Biden to his hospital room when he was recovering from his wounds, which included the loss of his right arm.

Vargas-Andrews explained the interaction he had that day with Joe Biden…

Vargas-Andrews said the administration will never admit its role because that would be admitting they had “blood on their hands.” He was also upset over Harris’ response during the debate, showing her support for Biden’s decision. On this, he stated:

“It’s just, I mean, it’s disgraceful. I’m sure she did support it, as she said she was the last one out of the room.

“And, it’s the same with John Kirby saying he didn’t see any chaos from his perch when everything was happening. And recently came out saying that he wasn’t going to answer to a handful of veterans for the war in Afghanistan when this evacuation affected the entirety of the global war on terror, veterans and their families, and every single Gold Star family and everyone who lost limbs and everyone who was wounded and had friends die.”

He later added:

“She and the current administration are scared of the truth coming to light and having to face the consequences of their own actions and answer for those murdered Americans.

“If she acknowledges it, either of them took the time to say the names of the 13 Americans that were killed in action that day, that they still haven’t ever said, it would be recognizing their mistakes.”


Think about the fact that Kamala Harris has never been to see the soldiers who were wounded that day. She did not attend the dignified transfer. And Joe Biden has only visited the hospital once to see how these individuals were doing, and it was nothing more than a photo op for Biden. This withdrawal lies at the feet of the Biden administration, and to this day, I remain in utter shock that the media did not roast Biden for this nor for the fact he left American citizens behind enemy lines. State-run media.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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